3 Steps to Finding Your Life’s Purpose


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3 Steps to Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Adaptiert von Monica und Michael Bergs Podcast Spiritually Hungry. Anhören und abonnieren hier.
März 1, 2021
Gefällt mir 28 Kommentare 4 Teilen

What is my purpose in life? It’s a central question we all ask ourselves at some point on our spiritual journey. Although answering that question can take a lifetime of soul searching and hard work, there are steps we can take to point us in the right direction.

Here are 3 steps to finding your life’s purpose:

  1. Know – really know – with all of your heart and all of your soul, that you were born to do great things. The first and most important step in determining your life’s purpose is to know, above anything else, that you were born for greatness. You carry a spark of the Creator within you, and, therefore, your soul is more powerful than you can possibly begin to fathom. There is a unique Light you came into the world to reveal, and that Light literally cannot be revealed by anybody else but you. When you truly believe this, you are able to tap into your unlimited potential.

    It’s easy to underestimate ourselves. We often think, “What kind of effect can I really make? How is what I have to offer any different or better than anyone else?” At the same time, we often mistake greatness for money, fame, or power. Many of the kabbalist sages, whose stories and Light continue to influence millions of people the world over, had little to no money, traveling from house to house, seeking room and board. Success takes many forms, and no one can predict how we are meant to shape the world. If we touch even one life, the world is changed in profound ways.
  2. Find your passion and determine your skills. No two people are the same. We each have different talents, abilities, and interests that make us unique. It’s important that we recognize these gifts, as they hold valuable insight into our spiritual purpose. There is a reason that we each possess those specific traits, and they are meant to be shared with the world.

We often try to deny or downplay our gifts – sometimes because of insecurity or because we don’t want to seem overconfident. Sometimes we even ignore our passions, afraid of failure if we follow our bliss. But these passions and gifts are incredible tools the Creator has given us to reveal our unique Light in the world. Recognizing, celebrating, and honoring them will lead us in the right direction.

  1. Reach for the stars. Nothing worth doing or having in life is ever easy. In order for us to accomplish what our souls came into this world to do, we are going to need to do some impossible things. This means we need to push ourselves beyond our comfort zones. Determining where your skills and passions start to feel uncomfortable will indicate where you need to dedicate your efforts.

The journey is not easy, but if we keep challenging ourselves, learning, sharing, and growing, then the Universe will conspire to help.

When we understand that our unique Light is something the world desperately needs and that no one can reveal it but us, we start to see how important and special we are. The act of living authentically and revealing who we are at our core changes the world. Remember that you have a unique spiritual purpose and unlimited potential for greatness.

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