3 Things to Remember During Rosh Hashanah


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3 Things to Remember During Rosh Hashanah

Kabbalah Centre
September 9, 2018
Gefällt mir 7 Kommentare Teilen

The kabbalists teach that the two days of Rosh Hashanah determine the course of our entire coming year, both as individuals and on a global scale. In fact, our actions and consciousness during this time actually have the power to change the world! 

"Rosh Hashanah is a time that impacts all of humanity"

Whether or not you are planning on attending a Rosh Hashanah event, here are 3 areas of focus to help set your consciousness in the right direction for these two most important days of the year:

1. Be selfless.

Our teacher, Rav Berg, would often describe Rosh Hashanah as a spiritual war against our own selfish nature and our egos, which are the root of the chaos we see in the world today. Becoming a true spiritual warrior during this time requires of us to give up any sense of entitlement, and to focus instead on sharing with others from a place of true selflessness.

There are countless ways we can keep our actions and consciousness in a state of sharing for these 48 hours. This is a great time to increase our volunteer efforts, or to simply help those we know are in need. Instead of judging others or dwelling on our own problems, we should ask ourselves, “How can I help?” Look for the opportunity to share. It will be there. 

2. Be in unity.

Unity is one of our greatest tools against negativity. It is not a coincidence that these 48 hours are often ripe with family arguments, disagreements, or upsets with friends. Think of these moments as challenges that are testing our ability to stay in a unified mindset. When we remember this, we can work to avoid falling into the same traps we often do.  

These two days are our chance to show that we are changed individuals. As such, the Universe will send us opportunities to choose love over hate, mercy over judgment, and unity over separation. 

3. Be happy.

It is not just how we think and behave during these two days that determines our year, but also how we feel. No matter what might be happening in our lives, we can choose happiness by connecting to the underlying perfection that exists in everything and the spark of the Creator that exists in everyone. When we choose to see past the minor imperfections and connect instead to the inherent goodness in others and all circumstances, we can experience greater joy.  

No matter what is happening externally, choose happiness internally. Your year will thank you for it!

"Choose happiness."


Rosh Hashanah is a time that impacts all of humanity. It is not just the prayers and the connections we make, but who we choose to be and how we choose to behave during these 48 hours that can tip the scales towards positivity for the year to come.

When we have our consciousness in the right place, we can transform ourselves. And if enough people commit to having a positive consciousness during this time, we can change the world.  
