Achieving Mind over Matter


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Achieving Mind over Matter

Rav Berg
Mai 4, 2018
Gefällt mir 3 Kommentare 2 Teilen

The Torah teaches us that the world of chaos is Malchut and the world of joy and happiness is Zeir Anpin. The mind is unlimited, but the body is limited. When we look at chaos, it is always related to the physical reality. Poverty is not having money; illness is related to a sick body; a bad relationship has to do with another person. 

"The mind is unlimited, but the body is limited."

The true lesson of Mount Sinai is the reality of mind over matter, not “Thou shall not steal,” and the rest of the Ten Utterances. For thousands of years, we’ve been told “Thou shall not steal,” so there’s been no thievery, or “Thou shall not murder,” so there’s been no murder in the last ten years? No, Mount Sinai is about the power of mind over matter – that I can accomplished whatever I put my mind to, as long as I use the rules and work hard.

Uncertainty is the one main impediment to achieving mind over matter. If we aren’t sure our health will be restored, our faulty relationship can be healed, and money can be earned, then our problems – our chaos – won’t be fixed. But if we have the certainty that things can be restored, healed, cured, then certainty will cause mind over matter to manifest in the end – in spite of any apparent ups and downs in the process. All forms of chaos can change – that’s what the Torah is about.

*Taken from Rav Berg’s commentary on the portion of Behar in the Kabbalistic Bible: Leviticus.  

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