Astrology Forecast for July 3-9, 2016


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Astrology Forecast for July 3-9, 2016

Yael Yardeni
Juli 5, 2016
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Hi everyone! We are entering a new cosmic zone of lunar Cancer! Time to get excited! Every month, as the moon renews itself, so do we. This very watery month is indeed an opportunity for us to shed a new light on our feelings and to increase our panel of emotions, as well.

Let’s get started!

The new moon’s chart opens up with a record number of planets in Cancer: four! Venus and the moon are beautifully conjunct, and the chart’s rising is Taurus. The conjunction of so many strong planets will actually help induce more harmony in the cosmos.

The missing element this month is air. And we need some serious ventilation! The key cosmic message in this is to learn to become lighter, and not take the annoyances in our lives too heavily.

Also, beware of comfort food! With Taurus and Cancer together in the same chart, something is definitely cooking! We should all check our diets and menus, as we are in danger of our waistlines rounding up!

Here are some fun facts about our Cancer friends:

The sign of Cancer is water of all waters! Extremely emotional, they feel everything and everyone, and have the uncanny ability to generate warmth and coziness all around them!

Cancerian women are more open than their male counterparts. They instinctively know how to attract information from others and make brilliant detectives. Everyone wants to confess to a Cancer sign! But one of the greatest difficulties of the sign is to maintain proper boundaries; they become very untangled with the people they love, to the extent of smothering them sometimes. Cancers can become uncontainable, just like a tsunami! Cancerian men, on the other hand, are a lot more withdrawn than their female counterparts. They are generally rather secretive and make great spies!

Cancerians sometimes feel very needy, and one of their greatest fears is loss.

The ruler of the sign is the moon, the most powerful influence on our planet. The moon represents the fragmented world, because it never looks the same. Since the moon reflects the light of the sun, and does not have any light of its own, Cancerians often feel they don't have enough in their lives, which can sometimes lead to low self-esteem and stress.

They will compensate by making themselves needed by others, and sometimes manipulate a bit that way. It’s very hard for them to separate from things—chaos and pain is more preferable than any separation.

The water element is the strongest memory of the zodiac. Many historians, antique dealers, and artists are born under Cancer. The reason why Cancerians tend to live in the past is because it’s a sure value—the past will never change! The real dream of many Cancerians is to have a happy family forever after, and that’s exactly what the cosmos challenges them with. Just think of King Henry VIII and all his wives. He just wanted a male heir and a decent wife and that didn’t happen!

Extremely intuitive, psychic, and very attuned with the cosmos, Cancerians have a gift of sight that is often shadowed by their fears. The best example is Helen Keller: blind and deaf, yet she defied all the odds!

And research has established that the majority of criminals in crimes of passion are Cancerians, as opposed to any other zodiac sign! That’s emotional!

Famous Cancerians includes: George Orwell, Nelson Mandela, Franz Kafka, Julius Caesar, Rembrandt, Peter Paul Rubens, and Marc Chagall.

Let’s welcome the New Moon in its own month on Tuesday night with harmony and openness!

Chodesh tov to everyone!


