Astrology Forecast for November 1-7, 2020


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Astrology Forecast for November 1-7, 2020

Rachel Itic
November 1, 2020
Gefällt mir Kommentare Teilen

The moon now reaches its highest point—its full moon phase, which is in the sign of Taurus. This moon reflects the totality of the light of the sun in the sign of Scorpio, creating an aspect that, in astrology, is called opposition (a point of tension). We are going to feel this tension during this time since the moon and the sun are facing each other on an axis of opposites.

The moon—which represents emotions, feelings, and our reactivity—in Taurus seeks stability, balance, and material security. And the sun in Scorpio manages well under crisis, intensity, and instability. These energies can act against each other, or we can strive to complement each other by finding balance and harmony between the two since Scorpio and Taurus are the ends of the same line and simultaneously complement each other.

What is clear is that these two signs have to work on control and possessiveness—Scorpio in the emotional world and Taurus in the material world. That is the great work of these days, whether in the spiritual or in the material: let go of control and trust in the Light of the Creator.

Full moons give us clarity and objectivity. It is a time when we can achieve our goals, be successful, and feel fulfilled, as well as connect with the concept of fullness, since this moon is in the position to receive and be filled by the sun, giving us brightness and splendor. This is the reason we are highly regarded, and socialization and contact with the public are strengthened during this phase.

On this moon, we consolidate and reach the potential of what we sow during the new moon. Things reach their culmination; new beginnings are not recommended, and from here, the moon begins to descend to its last quarter.

Mercury retrograde goes direct on November 3rd. Take advantage of these last days of Mercury in this position to repeat something you were not successful at in the past. Retake a class, review a concept you did not understand, attempt an exam you did not pass, or reorder an item—any action you do for the second, third, or fourth time is benefited.

The energy of direct Mercury in Libra facilitates communication allowing us to be more political, diplomatic, harmonious, flattering, and subtle. But we must be careful not to fall into complacency and hypocrisy. Mercury in Libra feels strengthened and gives us many tools to open up and listen and to be listened to. If you have any type of conflict in a relationship, you can take advantage of this influence to resolve the issue, reach an agreement with the other person, and harmonize the relationship.

Venus is in its regency, the sign of Libra. This sign strengthens the energy of love and affection and brings balance to the planetary energy of this week, where the sun is in Scorpio and Mars in Aries. These energies can also lead us to be intolerant, inconsiderate, individualistic, imposing, aggressive, intense, and extreme. Venus in Libra allows us to weave balance, harmony, conciliation, and love, allowing us to be more considerate as was Abraham in the portion of Vayera, where we are taught about the greatness of hospitality and having an open heart to serve. Abraham moves over and steps out of himself, even though those were moments of great physical pain for him, and becomes fully aware of sharing and giving love, benevolence, and mercy to his guests.

May the Creator give us the strength to be like Abraham this week, and use the energy of consideration for others that Venus gives us.
