How To Transform This Week: Let Go


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Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

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How To Transform This Week: Let Go

Kabbalah Centre
Mai 10, 2020
Gefällt mir 5 Kommentare Teilen

As important as it is to put in the effort, it is of equal importance that we learn to let go. To live in the world of physicality, to strive with all our heart and soul for our goals, and yet to not be attached to the outcome, having certainty that the Light prevails – this is intense spiritual work. It’s quite a paradox, but as Rav Berg often said: The truth is in the paradox. The energy of this week is one that can help us to let go of our agendas, our fixed ideas of what outcomes should be, of where we are headed, and why.

Here are 7 resources to help you practice letting go of that which doesn’t suit you in your life:

1. Letting go of the past lets us experience the beauty that exists in the moment.

5 Spiritual Tips for Living in the Present
Article by The Kabbalah Centre

2. Whatever will be, know that the universe is with you. Sometimes all we need to experience that bounty of Light is simply to surrender to it.

Letting Go
Article by Karen Berg

3. What we are meant to do and what we think we are meant to do are often different. Letting go of our ego’s agenda aligns us with our purpose.

Letting Go and Humility
Video with Michael Berg

4. If we can consistently let go of our need to be right and have certainty beyond logic, there is nothing that can upset us.

Letting Go of What You Think You Know
Article by Michael Berg

5. We have all wanted to feel in control of what comes, but it isn’t our job. Our real job is to let go and trust.

Surrender Control
Article by Monica Berg

6. Before we can manifest the miraculous, we must first let go of our fears and need to control.

Letting Go to Have Everything
Video with Eitan Yardeni

7. The physical reality is illusionary. To achieve an insight into the world of the spiritual realm, we must recognize this illusion and let it go.

Nothing is Random
Article by Rav Berg

Want more inspiration?

Click here for articles and videos on this week's portions: Behar and Bechukotai
