Seeing the Blessing, Not the Curse


Veranstaltungen & Kurse



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Seeing the Blessing, Not the Curse

Marcus Weston
Juli 30, 2015
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I wish to ask a question relating to reincarnation and curses. What is the relationship between the two? I see some families succeed easily with less effort and others live a life of misery and limitation despite all the effort they put into life. My family seems to be less fortunate. How do I use kabbalistic wisdom and tools to free myself and my family from any kind of generational curse? ~IE


You have many questions here, so let's break them down to one idea.

I think we have to begin by separating any external measurement of success with your associated feelings (you say, of misery and limitation). Clearly, one can be happy and blessed with “less” or sad with “more.” I remember Rav Berg would jokingly ask, if one guy loses half of his wealth of ten million dollars overnight, while another doubles his wealth of one hundred thousand overnight, who's happier? Clearly, the guy with “less.”

So, one’s decision to feel “misery” or to feel “limited” is just that—a decision. And it's rarely about anything external, but I'll leave that for you and your teacher‎.

We can't judge a book by its cover. Some of those who seem the most fortunate and live the most inspirational lives, (ironically, around whom the most jealousy is evoked) in reality have some of the most troubled lives. By contrast, some of the happiest families in the world are those without some of the common external measurements of success.

The point is everyone has something to correct. And unless we're focused on that path, we just can't be sustainably fulfilled. When we're on that path, our circumstances, be they great or small, will become blessings to us. And if we're not on that path, our circumstances, be they great or small, will become “curses” to us.

So, when you say you're less fortunate, can you first decide to appreciate what you DO have as opposed to comparing what you don't? As the saying goes, comparison is the thief of joy.

If you can start here with a huge, new vessel of appreciation, feeling rich and wealthy of life, then with the help of your personal Kabbalah teacher, you can start to deepen your spiritual work. A Kabbalah teacher can help you build a renewed sense of security and inward focus—a state of mind that can perhaps turn your family's “generational” circumstances around.

Good luck!
