Deeper Meditations, Part I

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The Energy of the Omer and Shavuot

Deeper Meditations, Part I

Veröffentlicht: März 16, 2021
Originalaufnahmen: Mai 6, 2020

Gefällt mir 15 Kommentare Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • The Egyptian exile is the root of all exiles -we need to remember that because it still affects us until today
  • The exile of Egypt means that the negative side took control over Da’at, causing blockage of Light energy into Zeir Anpin
  • The sefirah of Da’at (knowledge) is the gateway for the Light to enter into the rest of the body: Zeir Anpin and Malchut
  • The body of Zeir Anpin represents manifestation in the physical world
  • The expression "We are created at God’s image" means that our body is structured as the Ten Sefirot
  • It is a tremendous gift and responsibility to count every day of the Omer, as it is a powerful kabbalistic tool to rebuild ourselves, and to support the evolution of the entire humanity
  • The real exile is not putting into practice the knowledge and wisdom we receive
  • Every positive action contains within it the entire Torah, meaning all the positive actions
  • Spreading the Light means sharing everything that we are given


As Yosef Yeshurun explores Rav Isaac Luria's writings, Gate of Meditations, helps us understand that during the Omer we are drawing the energy of the sefirah of Da’at into Zeir Anpin, above us and within ourselves, which requires great appreciation, effort and discipline during the counting of each of the 49 days of the Omer.

Über diesen Kurs

In the study of Kabbalah, the Omer refers to the 49 days between the cosmic openings of Pesach and Shavuot. When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt in ancient times, they received freedom without any effort on their part. Therefore, the kabbalists teach, the Creator withdrew the Light of Pesach in order to give the people the opportunity to earn that Light. This period of work is what is known as the Counting of the Omer, and encompasses the powerful hillulah of the author of the Zohar, Rav Shimon bar Yochai, known as Lag B’Omer. Join us for an illuminating course as we delve into the different spiritual aspects of the Omer and Shavuot.

Die Lehrer*innen
