What's The Sin of Adam (Hebrew)

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The Sin of Adam & Eve (Hebrew)

What's The Sin of Adam (Hebrew)

Veröffentlicht: Juni 7, 2022
Originalaufnahmen: März 8, 2022

Gefällt mir 1 Kommentare 1 Teilen


Join Yehuda Regev as he explains the purpose of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden and what took place in this Upper Realm of consciousness. We learn how we can complete our original mission and achieve a life of endless joy and fulfillment.

Über diesen Kurs

What really happened in the Garden? What did Adam and Eve do that was so terrible that it brought death and disease to the human landscape? Was the sin simply the act of disobedience? How and why does their mistake continue to affect every soul born into human existence? Why can’t God just forgive us? What will it take to correct the fall and what will happen when we do? These and so many other questions have inspired religion, literature, culture, and intrigued humanity for centuries. Yet, the answers have existed in the ancient texts of the great kabbalists all along. We only needed someone to translate them. In this profound two hour lecture, Yehuda Regev, will share all that he learned from the Rav, using the texts of the Ari and Rav Ashlag. This course is deep, make no mistake about it. But if you are hungry to dive into the depths of the Bible and understand the spiritual details woven into the fabric of life, you will not want to miss this two-part course. Recommended for advanced students, but open to everyone. Watch at your own risk.

Die Lehrer*innen

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