A New Dawn
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A New Dawn

Karen Berg
January 14, 2024
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This article was previously published in 2018.

When a child is born and begins a new life on Earth, it is an opportunity for that soul to start a new journey. The soul has been given another chance to fulfill its purpose and its potential. However, this opportunity does not only occur when we are physically born, but also each morning when we rise and awaken from sleep. This too is an opportunity to begin again and fulfill our purpose and our potential. It is a gift, if we are lucky, to receive over and over. If we are able to see it this way, perhaps we can also feel the excitement and gain a sense of renewed energy and appreciation for life itself. Indeed, this is a powerful week, in which the Universe sends its energy to each one of us, ushering us into a new way of life, a new way of thinking and of being. 

“This week can be a new dawn for each of us.”

Our portion this week is Bo, the Hebrew word for which translates to “come.” We are drawn this week to come and face a new door in our lives, and we are encouraged, by the Universe, to enter that door and begin a new chapter. 

In the story of Bo, the Israelites, with the help of the Creator, are finally released from the bondage of Egypt. The Creator sends their captor, Pharaoh, the final three plagues. These final three plagues destroyed the ties the Israelites had with Pharaoh, thus allowing the Israelites a chance at a brand new life. The plagues severed the final doubts and fears that held the Israelites back. We too this week, are given that breath of life from the Creator. We are given that extra energy to be born again. We are given the power to finally face whatever fears might be holding us back, and the ability to relinquish them once and for all. It is an excitement and gift parallel to almost nothing. This release and renewal no money can buy. It is a priceless gift that is ours this week from the Creator. 

“Connect to the birth of a new day, and make it your own.”

How many of us have thought of a great idea only to see it later manifested through another person? We might think, “Hey, I had thought of that! I should have made it happen!” If we are not willing to walk through our own doors, we may not see our ideas ever being born. We must come and see what holds us back, so we do not miss the chance at the life we were meant to live. Most of the time, it is fear that holds us back. This week, we are given courage to face the fears, to conquer them, and to be born again.

If you can, find a time this week where you can meditate in the earliest of morning light. Connect to the birth of a new day, and make it your own. Visualize in your meditations a beautiful golden door. As you begin to walk towards it, be open to feeling any hesitation you may have. Do you feel afraid of what you may find behind it?  Do you fear what and who you may leave behind? Feel the Light with each step you take, know the Light is with you, and ask the Light to remove your fears. With every step closer, know that what lies behind this golden door is your calling and purpose. Behind the door is your truest of joys. Know that what waits for you is a new life of happiness, blessings, and all your dreams manifested. Finally, at the end of your meditations, walk through that door. Walk into the excitement of a new world and a new life filled with endless blessings and opportunities. Be born again.

This week can be a new dawn for each of us. Give it all you’ve got, and live each day to the fullest. For life is truly our greatest gift.  

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