Amazing Grace
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Amazing Grace

Karen Berg
April 10, 2021
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This article was previously published in 2018.

When someone offers help during a time that we may be down on our luck, it can feel like the Creator Himself is there, offering His hand. When we feel like we may not have the strength to go on, but along comes a guardian angel to carry us on our path, it can be the time we are most grateful. Just when you think you are knocked down and out, a hand, from nowhere, reaches in and pulls you up. This is a moment of jubilation. As the wonderful old hymn goes, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see.” 

"We are supported by the universe to elevate from our current level of existence to an even higher ground. "

Welcome to the new month of Taurus. In this month we are supported by the universe to elevate from our current level of existence to an even higher ground. Taurus is like that strong hand finding its way to you and lifting you up, to be ever closer to the Creator. The month of Taurus is about building our capacity to carry more Light, as well as building a stronger physical structure with which to carry it. Taurus is known as the month of healing. In Hebrew, Taurus is known as Iyar. Iyar is an acronym for “I am God, your healer.” It is during this time, we are raised to holy ground and given an extraordinary amount of Light in the process. We elevate this month to our next level physically and, most importantly, spiritually. This is the month our teacher Rav Shimon bar Yochai revealed our most powerful tool, the holy Zohar.  We can prepare this month for a ride into the sky. As well as prepare for what may come along with the journey.   

The entire month of Taurus is completely under the influence of a time called the Omer. The Omer is the process of spiritual development that occurs during the time between the holidays of Pesach and Shavuot. The Omer allows us to build our capacity to receive even more of the Light of the Creator. The month of Taurus merited to have its entire month be during the Omer. The Creator is always loving and giving to us. Not only did the Creator give us life, but He gave us the tools and a system to make life good. The Creator took us from our slavery in Egypt at Pesach and now we are given a hand to help elevate so we are able to be more in alignment with the Creator. This happens universally to all of mankind during this month. This is a growing period, and as with most growth, pains may accompany. It is said that we are elevating and being raised so rapidly during the days of Taurus, that like G-Forces in a space ship, we too will feel a certain “heaviness.” This heaviness is your rapid ascension. As the universe compels us to expand and develop this month, the need for change will become apparent. As the light and energy shine this month, we will face certain obstacles and test so that we may rise to meet our development. These obstacles are welcomed gifts in the journey. The Creator is handing us a heavy weight to lift, but will it not leave us stronger? Will it not give us the strength to handle more in the future? The answer is a resounding, yes. We face the month, prepared to work on ourselves, as the Universe will be supporting that process, taking us to our next spiritual level. It is a vital time to be a channel for this new Light by continuing to be beings of sharing and beings of love. It will be through helping others and loving others that we find an ease to any possible growing pains.

"Being strong for our fellowman when he is weak is the holiest work of all."

Taurians are natural healers. They are often strong people who work in the healing arts. They can be esteemed doctors and therapists because they possess the qualities to repair, build, and heal. Their strength is found in their perseverance and endurance. When all is falling down, the Taurian is going up. Many great athletes are Taurians as they garnish the power to handle tremendous amounts of pressure. It makes sense that only during this month could the Holy Zohar be revealed. The Zohar is our most powerful tool to eliminate darkness and bring Light to our lives. The energy of Taurus and the Zohar are one in the same. The power of the Zohar and this month both offer an opportunity to heal our physical and non-physical wounds.  This great gift is ours. As we are raised this month, so too is our consciousness. We are encouraged to study spirituality and learn. It is the month where we reach the heights of spirituality, wisdom, and health. The acronym of this month, “I am God, your healer,” is our motto as we are raised with a mighty hand to higher and holier ground.

During the next thirty days, allow this strength to find its way into your body, mind, and spirit, but remember that it was not given just for you, alone. If we are open to seeing the profound spiritual truth that we can truly receive more when we give, then we can grab the opportunity this month to be strong for others, not just for ourselves. We can use the power of this month to be like the Creator for other people and lift them up when they may find themselves on the ground. Being strong for our fellowman when he is weak is the holiest work of all. In this way, we, ourselves, are able to soar even higher. Opening our hearts and helping others this month, and every month, is our path to coming home.

May we all this month merit the gift of achieving great spiritual heights, complete healing, and the promise of Amazing Grace: “I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, but now I see.”

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