Astrology Forecast for August 4-10, 2024
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Astrology Forecast for August 4-10, 2024

Batsheva Shouster
August 4, 2024
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We start the week with a New Moon, and both the Moon and the Sun are in Leo. This is a time to radiate and encourage everyone around you to shine, as well. There are some great aspects with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, which offers a great opportunity to open our hearts to others and communicate in a positive way.

Mars begins a conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of expansion. Jupiter can increase the energy of Mars, so our goal at this is to avoid over-exploiting the positive aspect between Leo and Gemini. Rather, use it to open the heart and deepen friendships through empathy.

Rav Berg taught that there is an abundance of energy that is available to us during the three weeks of Ben HaMetzarim. This time is also known as The Three Negative Weeks. But you can transform this notion and create great miracles by fostering an affinity with the attributes of the Creator: unconditional love, selfless sharing, and human dignity. These acts can create a vessel to contain more Light.

This week is about creating a vision of who you want to be. What kind of person do you want to be? Is there a part of yourself that is not aligned with your highest self? If so, how can you become more in alignment? The point is not to look at yourself as something that needs to be fixed but to view the journey of your soul as a process towards your ultimate purpose. We can take the challenges in our lives and transform them into greatness.

Venus, the planet of love and money, moves from overdramatic Leo into the sign of Virgo. While Venus in Leo wants to spend money, Venus in Virgo tries to save every penny! Venus in earthy Virgo can also be judgmental when it comes to relationships. Our job is to see the value in the process without waiting for some idea of perfection that cannot exist.

On Monday, Mercury goes retrograde until August 28th. And on September 12th, it will come back to the degree where it started in retrograde. Until then, be careful with electronic devices and make sure that everything is backed up on your computer. It is also a good time for introspection because Mercury will mostly be in Leo’s element of fire. Pay attention to how you speak to others; have sensitivity and avoid getting on a soap box.

On Tuesday, the Moon in Virgo will be in a position to Saturn that will bring some emotional tension, but it will also help us see how we can reveal the Lightforce of the Creator in every one of our actions.

On Friday morning, the Moon conjunct the South Node in Libra. This is a day for meditation and spirituality—a time to own who we are and not just try to be nice to receive approval.

This week is all about tapping into our greatness in spite of (and because of) all the challenges we have gone through and continue to experience in our lives.

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