Astrology Forecast for August 9-15, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for August 9-15, 2020

Rachel Itic
August 9, 2020
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This week, we are in the last days of the lunar cycle. Take time to wrap up, evaluate, reflect, and make a note of what you have learned during this month of Av (Leo), which highlighted our authoritarian and prepotent ego, and brought us to work on constant humility. This period invites you to explore your divinity, generosity, and creativity.

With Leo´s influence, we feel the necessity of being the prime actors; we want fame and recognition. Don’t search for this outside of yourself—dare to be the main character of your own life. Take what you have learned in this month and get rid of the negative, reactive, protagonist, and egocentric attitudes. It is recommended that we be flexible during this week.

It’s the best time of the month for a body, soul, and spirit detox. This reflection and cleansing gives us the platform to prepare for a new cycle. On August 19, we’ll experience the New Moon of Virgo (Rosh Chodesh Elul). This new month is about cleansing and purification, so search the areas within you where you need this energy so that you can plant the right seed.

The harmony between the sun in Leo and Mars in Aries gifts us with leadership, vitality, courage, and strength. We feel brave and empowered, and we can tap into the courage we need to accomplish very demanding tasks. Use this support to go against your ego and confront your fears.

Another position this week is a quadrature (or square) between Mars in Aries and the stellium in Capricorn of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, which can bring a lot of tension. This is a period of aggression, abusive behavior, and apathy. We can get easily frustrated, which brings up problems in relationships, especially with authority. It’s a good opportunity to curb the temper and look for internal space and love so that we can balance this energy. Courage, determination, persistence, and self-driving ambition will help you to accomplish what you wish.

Your words have way more impact than you think. Watch the way you express yourself since you could be aggressive, impatient, and authoritarian. This energy comes from Mercury in the sign of Leo. Instead, be kind and diplomatic, but at the same time, strong and decisive on whatever you say.

The astrologic climate this week is full of fire, enthusiasm, warmth, idealism, and creativity. This week’s portion, Re’eh, brings us long-range vision. Use the energy of this portion to bring clarity about what you have learned during this month, what you need to let go of, and the seed that you need to plant.
