Astrology Forecast for August 30 – September 5, 2015
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Astrology Forecast for August 30 – September 5, 2015

Yael Yardeni
August 30, 2015
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Hi Everyone! This week, many surprises and unexpected events await us, and that’s just the beginning! Surprisingly, this week is packed with fire planets (just a little more than last week). Aries is the dominant this week; the cosmos is really trying to move us forward. There is enough fire in this chart to generate big changes. So, let’s get ready for some very unusual events and self-discoveries!

Many things need to be managed properly this time around, as certain aspects are really cranky ones. So, put on your bulletproof vest!

First, not only is Venus in retrograde motion, but it is also conjunct with Mars, the warrior and blood shedder. Ouch!

So, guys, beware of the following:

  • All surgeries (specifically plastic surgery) or cosmetic procedures, buying furniture and/or refurbishing
  • Starting a new love relationship – he or she may turn out to be an illusion
  • Confronting a loved one in an aggressive way, as Venus in Leo will amplify dramas!

We are better off downgrading our attitudes and behaviors, or things WILL ROAR!

Second, Neptune is opposed to the Sun and to Jupiter, and conjunct to the Moon. This creates a bit of a universal retrograde motion. Things get illusionary, unclear, and often misunderstood.

This week, there is no way we should sign big contracts either; too many things could go wrong, especially with Venus retrograde and its opposition aspect to Jupiter! Care should also be taken not to engage in any lawsuits this month. A lot of quid pro quos are expected, too. Having patience and a Zen-like attitude is recommended!

Since Saturn is at 150 degrees to Mercury – which is considered a very uneasy aspect – the energy created feels like it’s moving in slow motion, followed by sudden bumps on the road.

Oh, boy! What CAN we do?

Uranus is the ascendant of the chart, so we have no choice but to make these changes! We are talking about personal, internal changes, as well as thoughtful and calculated external ones.

It’s like the whole universal machine is in motion to help us move to our next level! At first, it feels really scary, but it will turn out to be a real blessing!

Jupiter already entered the sign of Virgo and is very close to the Sun. As a result, we will expand and see things we are normally completely oblivious to. We should take advantage of this aspect and inject more thoroughness and precision in everything we do.

Our real focus this week is a deeper sight, better caution, internal balance (surprisingly, we have four planets in Libra, as well), and of course, transformation before the new cosmic year starts. This week, we are upgrading our real SELVES – not just our external image – and being really truthful with ourselves and others.

The real truth is ours to find this week, and we should stick to it with passion and kindness.

What an intense and blessed week!


