Astrology Forecast for January 4-10, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for January 4-10, 2015

Yael Yardeni
January 3, 2015
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Hi everyone! Good news this week - the cosmos' ventilation is getting better! Last week, we all felt the seriousness and heaviness of four Capricorn planets, especially with Pluto and the Sun conjunct. Pluto is indeed the elephant of the zodiac.

This week, air and fire elements are making a good comeback in the cosmos… we feel lighter already! The chart opens up with a Moon in Gemini, and Venus just entered Aquarius and is joining Mars, already in that same sign.

The MC of the chart is in fiery Aries. Bottom line, let's get started!

Our first target this week:

Transforming our challenges into blessings by becoming Lighter! Oh dear… it’s easier said than done!

Let us ask first how many among us make a molehill turn into a mountain? I will surely be the first one to raise my hand! We all do that at various degrees. I bet the Sagittarius and Aries amongst us will swear: "me … never! I am an optimist, everything is good…" That is, until it's not!

Kabbalists teach a very big secret: there are things in our lives that are redundant and that we can do without, and there are others that are completely essential for us.

Our first task this week is to determine which is which. For example, at work someone asks us to shift desks, because they don’t like where they are sitting, it’s uncomfortable or impractical for them. It seems essential for them, but maybe it’s not essential for me, and so I would gladly shift places. Another example, it’s kind of funny - a great friend has decided to rob a bank, and is asking us to be his alibi. What to do? If our priority is to help him spiritually, then our answer, of course, is no!

Oftentimes , we are caught in very small things that push us to really think too small. The essential stones of our lives are much bigger, and they are always related to the Light we need to reveal. So, the question to ask will always be: "am I going to reveal more Light in my life by letting go of this particular situation, or will I reveal more Light by fighting through it?" Slowly, with a bit of patience, our personal essential path will become clearer!

The second task this week is to transform the "bad" into good; how on earth are going to achieve this!? Kabbalists teach us something amazing: the magic of life is to know we can transform all bad into good. All we need to do is just one thing - convince ourselves that "everything that happens is for the best," and genuinely look for that ray of Light, or silver lining, in every situation.

This week is an opening to truly understand it. The power of the Light is to transform a curse into a blessing, and this is the perfect cosmic time to feel it and start living by it!!

So let's try this week to begin every day by reminding ourselves: "Nothing is a mistake, everything has been planned for the good,"and to seriously meditate and feel the truth in these words. There is a bigger picture and a higher plan, and the job of the cosmos, solely, is to make us grow.

Remember, there is always Light at the end of the tunnel!

Have a great and Light week everyone.


