Astrology Forecast for June 7-13, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for June 7-13, 2015

Yael Yardeni
June 7, 2015
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Hi Everyone! Let's carefully examine what this week has in store for us, since the moon has just begun its descent in the month of Gemini.

This time the chart opens up with a few very interesting features.

First, we have some great news—Venus entered Leo, the moon is in light Aquarius, and there is a lot of fire energy revealed in the chart, but no water left! Pluto, in the heaviness of Capricorn, is retrograde, and sits right on top of the chart's ascending sign, making it feel like there is an elephant in the room!

Perhaps the most rare occurrence this week is that the constellations come together to form a perfect Star of David—a star made up of one triangle pointing up and one pointing down. A lot of amazing messages await us!

As Venus enters Leo and is slowly getting closer to Jupiter, the expander, one of the ideas that emerges this week is the need to shine our Light a whole lot more than we have been doing. The stars are shouting for us to grow, expand, and glow. In short, the cosmic message is "rise and shine!"

The moon in Aquarius (the big picture of the zodiac), is actually giving us the opportunity to see a much wider perspective. Instead of our lives looking (and feeling!) like a soap opera, the cosmos is pushing us to upgrade to a biblical Hollywood blockbuster!

Wow, it’s easy to think this is going to be too much work! An unfortunate habit of humankind is to constantly downplay its own insignificance. We think our actions are so small that they won't affect anyone. So, why bother pushing, stretching, or expanding at all?

A few days ago, as I was conducting a seminar, someone in class asked me, "Well, why should we make the effort to change? We are like a dot in the universe! When we look at our solar system or galaxy, we are just a single point in the whole Milky Way! Spiritual work seems like a whole lot of trouble for very small results."

My answer was a famous quote from Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

This week, the cosmos is kicking us forward both in consciousness and in actions. The kabbalist’s perspective of our spiritual work is really enlightening. From a cosmic point of view, mankind was created to stand strong at the top of a pyramid, above the mineral, vegetable, and even angel realms. Yet, sometimes we act worse than dinosaurs, and many of us are still stuck in the Jurassic Era when it comes to consciousness! Our souls, however, are capable of connecting with all the realms; that’s why kabbalistic writings define man as “the animal that can stand up.”

Why? Gorillas can stand up, too and so can penguins! Being a chaya omedet (Aramaic for the animal that stands) means that we can reach all possible levels of consciousness; nothing is too high for us to reach! That’s the most powerful cosmic message we are getting this week!

During an extended trip to Israel, our teacher, Karen Berg, conducted experimental breathing exercises to literally open our chakras and remove internal blockages. Afterward, a Kabbalah student shared that she felt she could actually "see" for the first time! Something happened that created a veil, and that veil was torn away. Suddenly, she realized how much more she could actually achieve in life.

The cosmic Star of David that exists in the chart this week, is the perfect harmony between heaven and Earth, consciousness and actions. It balances and injects a beautiful circuitry into our lives.

So, the plan is to grow, love, connect, and shine this entire week. As soon as Mercury becomes direct we will really feel the effects of our efforts. Pluto is our regenerator and helper this week, bringing depth to our responsibilities and understanding.

Have a fantastic shining week!


