Astrology Forecast for May 17-23, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for May 17-23, 2015

Yael Yardeni
May 20, 2015
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Hi Everyone! This week we enter the New Moon of Gemini. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We are at the tail end of the heavy Omer period, which will shed a brand new light in our lives.

Now, for our monthly insight to our Gemini friends…

Let’s start by saying Geminis are the best double agents; the perfect Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! It’s almost impossible to get to know them completely.

Social and communicative, Geminis even talk in their sleep. This is a very gregarious sign that loves gossip, juicy stories, and has a way of finding out about everyone’s secret lives! Journalism is a fantastic career for them since nothing can surprise them.

It’s very easy to connect with a Gemini; they always have something interesting to talk about, but rarely do they go deep. Geminis are the perfect spiritual surfers—knowing a little bit about everything, just enough to maintain an interesting conversation. Gifted with a great mind, their drive is often purely intellectual. Brain stimulation is of the utmost importance!

Extremely curious, they are known for their fantastic and often photographic memory. Many Geminis are gifted with the ability to speak several languages, and the power of their speech is legendary. Many politicians are born under this sign. It is said they can convince Eskimos to buy ice! They are also sometimes called Jacks-of-all-trades.

On the flip side, a significant amount of thieves and criminals are also born under this sign. A good Gemini always has a plan B up his sleeves, as well as a few white lies that may come in handy. Very quick-minded, they can also be sharp in their judgment of human behavior.

An aspect of their tikun makes them very fidgety and easily bored, which can lead them to addictive, dark, and cutthroat behavior. They can be prone to drastic mood swings and are usually married more than once in a lifetime. (Geminis, don’t panic! With a bit of spiritual consciousness we can change everything!)

There is a joke about this very airy sign (the air of the air in kabbalistic astrology!): What’s the worst curse word for a Gemini? The f-word … feelings! They absolutely despise being asked about their feelings, and often consider them an awful weakness.

Their spiritual plan of attack (and ours for this month) is as follows:

  • Choose one goal in life.
  • Have complete dedication to that single goal.
  • Commit and follow up on every promise that is made.
  • Bring real depth to what you learn.
  • Seek balance and recognize mistakes.
  • Remember, helping people is more important than wisdom!

Tikun key word: confusion (too much information!)

Notable organs in the body: nervous system and lungs. (Che Guevara was a Gemini and he had respiratory problems all his life.)

Now, a bit about planet Mercury…

It’s the closest planet to the sun with the fastest orbit! It’s the smallest planet in the solar system.

It has the greatest temperature range, from ultra cold (-279 Fahrenheit) to ultra hot (801 Fahrenheit) in one day! Just like the sign, it blows hot and it blows cold! Mercury’s surface is made of atoms blasted from the sun’s surface.

Famous Geminis include JFK, Richard Wagner, and Ian Fleming, the famous creator of James Bond!

This week, Mercury will start its retrograde motion. The cosmos has a sense of humor since Mercury rules Gemini and this time around it’s on strike! So, remember to double check all contracts, and if you have to travel, be patient, as delays can be expected.

Wishing everyone a great month of openness and learning!

Chodesh tov!

