Jupiter makes a big move in the cosmos this week. The planet of blessings moves from earthy Taurus into Gemini for a year. This transit represents learning how to communicate with others—learning how to listen, how to balance our energy, and not be all over the place. Jupiter is also the planet of expansion, meaning if there is an issue, it tends to expand it, sometimes to the point of exaggeration. Be aware of what comes out of your mouth, what words are you using, and to whom you choose to listen. This is a great time to practice breathing (Gemini is also connected to the respiratory system).
Take care of your nervous system, especially now that the Sun is at four degrees in Gemini, and Venus is also in Gemini. This sign takes care of the information of the body. One of the beautiful aspects of those under this sign is that they can see the truth and the Light in every person they encounter. Geminis collect information and study it. They want to know everything about everyone. Our job at this time is to set up the right boundaries and restrict ourselves from gossiping and allowing unnecessary information to come to us. Boundaries will create more stability, especially in these times when so much knowledge and information are rapidly available.
We passed the Full Moon, and the Moon now opens the week in Capricorn, the sign of Saturn. The Moon in Capricorn does not allow itself to “feel” because it is not efficient. But the journey here is to respect our feelings and our personal experience. As our teacher, Karen Berg, used to say, “We are called human beings, not human doings.” The question is: who do I want to be, not what do I want to do? What we do is meant to serve who we want to be.
The internal energy of Capricorn is water. They have the potential to be the most spiritual sign of the zodiac if only they can acknowledge themselves from within. As the Moon passes through each sign, we are all affected by them. The Moon moves to Aquarius on Monday, which means emotional extremes for us. Avoid this and take things in proportion. Mercury reaches 15 degrees this week in Taurus, and this can help us stabilize our nervous system, even stabilize our hands and our focus. By being aware of it, we can use it this week. Mercury will reach a conjunction with Uranus by Thursday, and it can help us to think outside the box. But also, it is time to relax and breathe deeply.
The kabbalists teach that there are rules in the universe. For example, we know about the rule of gravity, and we are certain about how it works. Similarly, there are spiritual rules that guide the universe. When we understand them and we follow them, we can connect to greater blessings that last and sustain our lives.
Thursday, the Moon will be in Pisces, and it will conjunct Saturn in the evening. We may experience limitations, but because Saturn is the teacher of the zodiac, there is a lesson for us to learn and grow. The Moon is also in a hard aspect with the Sun in Gemini, which can influence us to try and escape from dealing with challenging situations. When we go through a hard or uncomfortable experience, the process is what creates spiritual resilience for us. Every challenge is an opportunity to see our thoughts, to understand the stories we tell ourselves, to learn from what our negative voice tries to tell us, and to understand that the Lightforce of the Creator is always there for us. This creates the ability to contain blessings. If we try to escape the process, we end up suffering more.