Astrology Forecast for May 31 - June 6, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for May 31 - June 6, 2015

Yael Yardeni
June 1, 2015
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Hello Everyone! With the energy of Gemini at its peak this week, we can clearly feel a lighter cosmic breeze!

Let’s examine the planetary state of the universe this week.

The world's chart opens up with a moon in feisty Scorpio and a total of six fire planets, which account for a lot of FIRE and plenty of air. This is a gift, since Pluto is very close to the chart's ascendant bringing in a lot of heaviness. It can make us feel like the famous mythological Atlas, carrying the entire world on our shoulders!

Mars (the warrior) is conjunct with the sun in Gemini, and Venus (the love planet) is currently in homey Cancer, but is squaring Uranus, the unpredictable one. In many ways, the overall energy this week holds nuances and feistiness. It’s not surprising that we are about to receive some really powerful messages. It feels like the cosmos is giving us a strong kick in the right direction.

What should we expect from all these cosmic events?

First of all, the universe is showing us that we cannot take anything at face value. Everything we hear or think we "got" needs to be thoroughly explored. This is the very reason Pluto, the digger and regenerator of the cosmos, is located in the chart’s first house. Things may appear one way yet end up the complete opposite of what we anticipated. Many of our hasty assessments or judgments are likely to backfire. Therefore, in some cases it might be advisable to do the opposite of what we would usually do this week!

To add to the mix, Mercury, the communicator and ruler of Gemini, is still in retrograde motion until June 8th! We should make sure that emails and important conversations be recorded and filed so misunderstandings are avoided! It is customary as well to avoid starting a new job in that period of time.

Have you ever asked yourselves, when we visit another country as a tourist, why don’t we pay attention to the taxes, the traffic, the bureaucracy, or the injustices? Ever notice how we tend to only see the good? It’s because we are personally disconnected from the facts, we see things from the outside. "We" are not involved in the situation of that particular country per se. So, it becomes easier to simply connect with the good.

This week, we are learning to see things irrespective of us, to look at things from a distance without drama or personal involvement. Remember, the moon is in critical Scorpio at the beginning of this week. For instance, let’s say someone is really pushing all of our buttons. A whole movie is now playing in our heads about how we are misunderstood and how can this person act this way towards us? Something must be very wrong with them! But if we just step back for a minute we might realize there is a point to what they are saying.

Kabbalists explain that the source of our suffering is, in fact, our harsh and hasty judgments! This week, we learn how to see and perceive situations more fairly, in a more detached and accurate way. This is illustrated by the strong Libra (the diplomat) energy of the chart. Libra is always about seeing both sides of the coin.

We are, indeed, always given a choice: judging in accordance to what we feel for an instant, or acting like a true kabbalist who sees things more fairly and with plenty of appreciation. This is the reason why the cosmos delivers such a great amount of air and fire. This way we can feel lighter and move forward easily, instead of digging too deep into unnecessary things.

In conclusion, the two mantras of this week are: lightness and clarity. The goal is to feel happy about everything, but at the same time, continue to ask constructive questions without any judgment.

Have a fantastic week everyone!


