Astrology Forecast for October 25-31, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for October 25-31, 2015

Yael Yardeni
October 26, 2015
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Hi Everyone! After our adventures of the heart last week, let's find out what's next on the menu for us.

The chart of this week opens up with a light and airy Gemini rising, plenty of mutable planets, the moon in dreamy Pisces, and the sun just entering Scorpio at zero degrees. Thankfully, Mercury is direct, in Libra, and the chart holds a record number of six planets in air!

On a side note, the polarity of Virgo-Pisces is also very dominant this week.

Needless to say, since we have entered the intense Scorpio zone, the lessons available this week are very powerful. The strongest of them is related to planet Venus, the ruler of Libra, which is presently in Virgo and situated 180 degrees to the moon and Neptune.

According to kabbalistic tradition, Scorpio comes in three forms: the snake (spiritually in very poor condition!), the scorpion (so-so), and the eagle (the highest level). The scorpion is more evolved than the snake, but it is blind! It acts based on survival instincts and is plagued with insecurities and fears. More often than not, it enters a state of crisis with the potential to destroy everything that has been built. Definitely not what we would like to connect with!

What is the definition of the Scorpio-eagle? An eagle is gifted with an incredible vision of the bigger picture. Kabbalistically, the eagle symbolizes the archangel who carries the force of the Central Column energy, which means absolute balance. The Central Column energy (the air) is indeed one of the most important features of this week.

The cosmic message here is obvious: this week, we are not to interfere unless it is absolutely clear that we should. Venus is in critical and dissatisfied Virgo, opposed to the moon in Pisces, and overwhelmed with illusions!

How often do we get involved in situations too hastily, charged with judgment and so sure we are right? Usually, there is big drama to follow! We suddenly decide that we know what's best for everyone, determined to save the day. And how often have we taken sides without having all the facts straight, having barely seen half of the picture?

This week's energy is a vaccination against hasty judgments. The planets support us in remaining balanced no matter what the circumstances.

But our job is actually to pacify our surroundings. According to the kabbalists, the biggest gift in life is PEACE. The last word of the oral part of the law and of many prayers is the word shalom, which means peace. Too often we lose our peaceful ways because we become partly blinded, like the scorpion. This week, we will be tested not only on our ability to rise above conflicts, just like the eagle, but also on our capacity to create peace around us.

In the zodiac, the month of Scorpio symbolizes internal growth, regeneration, recreation, and reinvention. But, as the kabbalists teach, that always comes at a price. Let's take time to think and reflect on a really important point: we can never receive anything new and bigger unless we have let go of something else first. It’s the law of the universe; we need to make space for the new. I think the first big sand bag we can drop is our tendency toward judgment!

This is a very important week in our spiritual growth. So, we should take time for peace and reflection away from all the drama. Imagine a stronger, better version of our lives as peacemakers, reawakening the eagle in all of us!

It’s time to bring harmony to our surroundings and give more of ourselves to the universe!

Have a peaceful and elevated week!

To be continued…


