Astrology Forecast for January 26 - February 1, 2025
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Astrology Forecast for January 26 - February 1, 2025

Ruth Nahmias
January 26, 2025
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The Aquarius season of 2025 has officially begun!

Airy Aquarian energy hits its stride on January 29th when the year’s first New Moon rises in this sign. This fixed air sign’s innovative vibe can inspire us to take all the practical plans we‘ve made during the Capricorn season and give them an unconventional and out-of-the-box spin.

Mercury, the cerebral planet, joins the party on January 27th, infusing communication and processing with a level-headed sense of objectivism that allows us to view situations from a new perspective. This exciting New Moon will inspire us to wave our unconventional flags proudly and embrace our weirdest and most wonderful qualities. This is the time to set some forward-thinking intentions and tap into our individuality, as the Moon will trine Jupiter, the planet of luck, bringing loads of opportunities for growth, abundance, and confidence.

The refreshing air of Aquarius season is about to start blowing everyone in a new direction, as the innovative planet Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) turns direct on January 30th. Uranus retrograde started back in September, and as the planet of sudden changes, its forward motion will inspire us to jump ahead on our paths, even if we’ve been thrown some curveballs. Reawaken your desire to express yourself uniquely, take some healthy risks, listen to your own instincts, and stir up change. It’s time for something new!

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