Astrology Forecast for July 21-27, 2024
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Astrology Forecast for July 21-27, 2024

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We start the week with a Full Moon, which is considered to be the most positive day of the month. But on the other hand, there is an opposition between the Sun and the Moon at 180 degrees. This means there are two forces pulling us in different directions, and our job is to create balance between them. It is a great day for meditation for spiritual practice, but we might feel tension. This tension is meant to teach us how to balance between the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn. It’s all about the connection between the physical and the spiritual, the practical and the emotional, between work life and family life.

Opposition can also bring internal battles. This is one of the most powerful weeks of the year as it helps us heal the mind. We can also invite a more positive healing journey into our bodies. Healing of the mind brings balance: knowing what your boundaries are, understanding what is good for you, and spotting toxic behavior or situations. Healing provides us with the strength to push away the things that are not supporting our growth.

Of course, there is always room for transformation. However, we cannot achieve elevation or transformation if we do not understand who we are on the inside. As the kabbalists explain, in order to bring blessings into our lives, we need to be complete. Complete does not mean perfect. It means we are a whole vessel—a container for blessings. If we are confused about that, then the energy that comes to us will reflect that confusion and will not support us in our healing journey.

As we are in a state of enhancing ourselves, there are some important celestial movements we should be aware of this week. First of all, the Sun moves into Leo on Monday. Then Mercury, the planet of communication and processing information, moves to its place of rulership, Virgo. Mars, an expression of power, motivation, and desire, moves to Gemini.

The Sun in Leo emphasizes a need to be the center of attention and for everyone around them to shine. The journey here is to work with the heart to activate unconditional love, especially on Monday night, as we are starting an intense journey called Ben haMetzarim. This is a time of narrowness, where an unbalanced surge of energy enters the universe and affects us. This time can be one of amazing transformations or of great sorrow. Focus on mirroring the Lightforce of the Creator. Radiate compassion from your heart and act with human dignity and kindness.

Mars moves from Taurus to Gemini. It should be noted that Mars and Gemini are not the best of friends. Mars heats up the nervous system, so for the next six weeks, spend at least 20 minutes a day just breathing and supporting your nervous system and quieting negativity. Mars in Gemini can be a very antagonizing combo. So, aim to cooperate with others, brainstorm, and expand your vision of the world. In a few weeks, Mars will conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, and there will be an expansion of the effects of Mars in Gemini. Pay attention to how you speak and how well you listen.

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, moves to Virgo. This planet is considered to be exalted in Virgo, meaning it is a very good time for the mind, sharpness, conducting research, and deepening understanding. But there is also danger in the Gemini-Virgo square: whatever wars occur in our minds can be expressed outwardly through verbal violence. Be careful not to gossip or put people down with your words. Remember, life and death depend upon your tongue. Make sure that you are inspiring and creating life with your words, not the opposite.

Sunday, the Moon conjunct Pluto, a time for emotional endings and beginnings. Keep your emotions in proportion. Wednesday, the Moon conjunct Saturn retrograding Pisces. We might experience some emotional blockage, but it’s only for the purpose of teaching us how to work with our emotions in a healthy way. Thursday, the Moon moves to Aries, and there is an excess of fire in the chart. Use the water element by going to a pool, taking regular showers, and drinking plenty of water.

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