Astrology Forecast for June 23-29, 2024
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Astrology Forecast for June 23-29, 2024

Miriam Ashkenazi
June 23, 2024
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“Each week, even though the story of the Bible is thousands of years old, we actually read about ourselves. The Torah is always in real time. As human beings, we do lie. We have questioned the Creator when things go wrong, and we have broken the hearts of loved ones. We are human, and we were placed here to make these mistakes. But we were also placed here to learn and to grow in the process. The journey out of Ego and into Love does not happen overnight. Like a child learning to walk, we are given the love and space to fall and the permission to try again.”
~Karen Berg, on the portion of Shlach Lecha

This week is a great opportunity to evolve on our spiritual journey. As Karen Berg taught, take greater steps in the journey out of Ego and into Love.

There is tremendous support from the element of water this week. Water represents mercy, nurturing, compassion, and empathy. This week we have a great opportunity to grow kindness towards others and towards ourselves.

The Sun moved into the sign of Cancer two days ago and has joined Venus and Mercury as a team of planets under the influence of this new energy. The highlight of this connection is our improved ability to be more vulnerable, communicate our deepest emotions, and engage in loving gestures and activities. On the other hand, too much water with no structure or no balance can lead to a big mess. We are in danger of falling into intense and victim-like emotions, which can rise up and take over anything good or productive in our lives.

Mercury in Cancer (between Tuesday and Thursday) forms a positive aspect with Saturn in Pisces. This connection of planets can awaken many great lessons. If we are open, we can become more deeply aware of our emotional state and learn how to navigate it in a way that will only support our spiritual growth and deepen our relationships. If we are tuned in enough and strive to connect to those “life lessons,” we will be able to activate the next Mercury positive aspect this week, which takes place on Friday and Saturday between Mercury and Uranus.

Uranus can send unexpected gifts and surprises our way, which can help us feel more free and relieved. My advice is to start paying attention to what the universe is trying to teach you as the week begins so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor as we conclude the week with the energy of relief and elevation.

Stronger intuition is on the charts as the Moon will pass through the sign of Pisces (Wednesday and Thursday) and connect with Neptune and Saturn, as well. There is such a beautiful raw energy of emotional lessons and intuitive gifts this week. It is really up to us whether we embrace these lessons or not. Will you choose to ignore opportunities and focus on the daily obligations? Or will you allow your emotions to guide you proactively? Check the emotional weather every once in a while and try to understand what it really means.

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