Astrology Forecast for June 5-11, 2022
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Astrology Forecast for June 5-11, 2022

Rachel Itic
June 5, 2022
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This week we’ll experience the energy of the crescent moon. During the New Moon of Gemini on May 30th, we had the opportunity to plant seeds, and this week, we may see the fruits of our labor. In order for this to happen, we need to make an effort and focus our intentions on what we want. That is where the energy of the last quarter will support us with willpower and decision-making skills. It is a week that definitely challenges us to push and grow. The best thing about it is that we have the support of the cosmos to carry it out.

This week still favors beginnings and creation, so take advantage of this opportunity. My advice is that during this month, you work on issues related to the energy of the month of Sivan, or Gemini. This month and sign have to do with curiosity, ingenuity, friendliness, flexibility, intelligence, and communication. Truly, this crescent quarter gives you the willpower for any project in your life. Where in your life do you need this energy?

With the sun and the lunar cycle in Gemini, we can take advantage of the benefits that this sign provides us, such as good humor, understanding, duality, sociability, the gift of words, as well as agility, and lightness. This month we may find it easier to be outgoing and exchange ideas with others. Gemini is very good at talking but also at listening, so sharing ideas in this period is great.

However, be careful of your words. Geminis love to talk, and they are not always careful of what they say. This month, we can easily fall into gossip or negative language, known as lashon hara. Thanks to the study of Kabbalah, we know how delicate this topic is—with words, we can destroy. This month, be careful of your mouth and be sure to share words of Light and knowledge.

In addition, be aware of using negative language toward yourself, like being uncommitted, superficial, doubtful of your abilities, impressionable, reckless, fickle, impatient, or even mocking yourself. It can be difficult to control these aspects while under the Gemini influence, but we can rise above the astral influence by embracing the positive aspects of the sign and restricting the negative. It’s all possible when using the tools provided by the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the quickest and most agile planet, and the planet that rules thoughts and communication. Mercury was the son and messenger of Zeus. As such, he was allowed to enter any place carrying his father's message. This helps us understand the character of Gemini and the influence we have during this month and this week. Despite the difficulty that the aforementioned attitudes entail, be more committed, be patient, and seek balance so you can go deeper in every action.

On the other hand, we have several planets in earth signs, which will balance the energy of Gemini. They will balance us to be more responsible, diligent, committed, and stable. We will enjoy practicality and logic while our reasoning is sharpened—attributes that give us a great capacity for manifestation. Despite how different the elements of air and earth are, we can take advantage of both energies to materialize our ideas, however unrealistic they may be. Earth energy will help us find a way to carry them out.

This week we do not have much presence of the water element, so we have to work hard on our sensitivity, being more emotional and merciful with others. Aim to express your feelings more openly and be more empathetic. At this time, there is a halo of cold, hard rigidity in the planetary environment, so it is up to us to make the effort to be more loving and warm.

As for the planetary configurations, we have Jupiter and Mars in Aries, and they are still very close to each other. Jupiter in Aries is risky, enterprising, and impetuous, and Mars in Aries is quick, individualistic, inconsiderate, reactive, impulsive, and aggressive. Above all, Jupiter expands these energies. Let us take advantage of this force for our benefit and that of others by being pioneers, using our willpower, taking leadership roles, and being dynamic. This planet gives us a lot of energy, enthusiasm, and desire, which we can direct to our spiritual work. With Mars in Aries, we can experience a lot of aggression and confrontation. Mars is the warrior and ruler of Aries. From this place, Mars accentuates either the benefits or the flaws of this sign.

We have several planets in Taurus (Mercury, Uranus, and Venus). This position fits Venus, the Goddess of Love, very well. Since this planet is the ruler of this sign, it can express its romanticism and love of beauty. Venus in Taurus represents the enjoyment of the five senses and, in general, what gives us pleasure. But we must not forget that at the end of the day, true pleasure, enjoyment, and fulfillment come from the Light of the Creator and not from physical things. Of all the signs of the Zodiac, Taurus is the most connected to the physical and material, with a great need to possess material goods. During these days, we will all be influenced by this energy, so try not to fall into the inertia of pulling the Light through the physical. On the other hand, it seeks stability, balance, fidelity, and characteristic commitment. We cannot lose sight of the fact that the North Node (where the mission and the behavior that favors us in the coming year are seen) is in Taurus. By having so many elements in this sign, we will be able to act according to what is cosmically suggested and probably experience a benefit during this week.

On Monday and Tuesday, the moon will pass through the sign of Sagittarius on its way, energizing us and filling us with optimism, positivism, and passion. These days are beneficial for adventure, study, parties, and fun. Try to be in open spaces and physically active. On Wednesday and Thursday, the moon transits Capricorn. At this time, we care about the material aspect, and there is a strong halo of seriousness. These are excellent days for planning, hard work, and taking responsibility. We will have the availability to make greater efforts and meet our goals.

Be careful about confronting the authorities. On Friday and Saturday, the moon is in Aquarius, which are days of rebellion, freedom, and independence—excellent for planning the future, changing routines, and feeling unique. They are very social days but not very emotional. In terms of activities, volunteering is favored, especially for social welfare causes. Finally, on Sunday, the moon is in Pisces, which is an excellent position for meditation, daydreaming, and contemplation. We’ll feel more intuitive and sensitive. When the moon is in Pisces, we can be very emotional and empathetic. It is a perfect time for developing our artistic talents. However, during these days, we can fall into denial, avoidance, and addiction. Be careful with these attitudes.

We are in the portion of Beha’alotcha, in which we find blessings and curses. Each one of us can live life from the filter of these two energies—that is actually, free will. How am I going to live what is presented to me: by seeing the Light and the blessing in each situation, or living in lack? This is precisely the astral influence; every moment, we have the opportunity to connect with the Light or challenge aspects of the planets and signs. The decision is ours.

This week, may you have the strength to choose the blessing and see the Light in every moment.

New Moon Parents Guide: Gemini 2022

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