Astrology Forecast for May 12-18, 2024
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Astrology Forecast for May 12-18, 2024

Kabbalah Centre
May 12, 2024
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We are in the first week of the month of Taurus, even though the Sun is already at 23 degrees in Taurus and will move to Gemini next week. Since we are in a leap year, there is more of a significant difference between the Kabbalistic and the Gregorian calendars.

There are some important aspects this week that can offer us great growth and deter negativity. This week, we start a conjunction between Mars and the North Node in Aries. This conjunction means that we are receiving a lot of Martial energy. Aries is the fighter of the zodiac. The sign represents the head, meaning a lot of energy comes in a concentrated way to the head. Beware: it is not exactly the best time to try to talk things through, as the energy of conflict is very strong right now. This is especially true on Monday when the Moon enters Leo, and there is an acceleration of fire energy. Embrace the water element, drink water, go to a pool, or take a bath. There is a kabbalistic meditation called Mikveh, in which one immerses in water, and all the negativity in the body dissolves in the water.

We can also use the power of our breath to calm the nervous system and diffuse anger. Use the 72 Names of God, number 56, for dispelling anger. The precise conjunction will be on Sunday, as Mars will conjunct the North Node, the Moon will conjunct the South Node, increasing the tension. Try to take things easy and do not indulge in any anger or frustration that enters. It is time to practice the basic kabbalistic teachings: “Pause what a pleasure,” and “My life is a perfect plan.”

Mercury, the planet of communication, moves from Aries (which is fire) to Taurus (which is earth) this week. The energy here is more grounded, more straight-thinking and focused. But also, it is slower thinking energy. The lesson for us here is to be open to listening to different types of thought. Sometimes it is okay to change your mind.

Venus starts the week at 15 degrees in Taurus. As I mentioned last week, 15 degrees in Taurus is the most condensed earth energy, and we should pay close attention because Venus rules Taurus. This means a lot of Taurus energy in the body. Also, it holds on, so movement in the body is slower. Be aware of the food you eat and the physical activity you engage in.

Venus will also conjunct Uranus this week, which can be very good or very challenging for relationships. It can help you to go out of the box to renew relationships or do something original that you did not do in the past. It can also bring up challenges and end relationships. I would not recommend making any long-term decisions at this time, especially about separation. Stay in a state of reflection and review until this energy passes.

From Monday until Wednesday, the Moon in Leo squares the planets in Taurus, which can also bring up an exaggeration of things. Conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter in Taurus can help us to manifest situations and bring good luck. Jupiter prepares to move into Gemini on May 25th, and now it is in transformative degrees of ending and preparing for a new year-long journey.

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