Astrology Forecast for the Month of Gemini 2024
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Gemini 2024

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Gemini is here! This is the uplifting, quick, curious, fun, flexible, and open-minded energy we’ve been waiting for. Gemini is all air—air in and air out—which will allow us to lighten up and move more freely this month. Gemini energy helps us easily adapt to change and new realities. With this powerful wind of change from the heavy, earthy month of Taurus comes the risk of flightiness, nervousness, and trouble making up our minds. So, the goal is to stick to our chosen path and commitments.

Mercury (the planet that rules the sign of Gemini) is the closest planet to the Sun and the fastest in the solar system. As such, it represents potential fidgety and restless energy, but at the same time, Mercury is known to be the one in charge of transmitting. As a force that stands between our source (the Sun) and the rest of the planets, Mercury’s spiritual mission is to be the one delivering wisdom, connecting, and creating bridges that will allow others to more easily internalize wisdom and knowledge.

Let’s talk about Jupiter, the great beneficiary. Traditional astrologers referred to Jupiter as the Lucky Star. This great planet recently entered into Gemini, highlighting a year ahead where we are encouraged to connect to the spiritual gifts of the sign of Gemini. Communication, social engagement, new connections, and open-mindedness are here for us to tap into!

During the first week of the month, Jupiter is also aligned in a powerfully positive aspect with Pluto, which encourages us to uncover everything that doesn’t serve us or work for us anymore. We’ll be inclined towards truthfulness with our social choices, communication, and connection with others.

At the same time, Mars moves into Taurus and creates a harsh aspect with Saturn. This aspect is a warning sign: avoid holding on to strict and rigid ideas and ways of doing things. This aspect can lean towards aggressiveness in conflicts and taking an uncompromising approach in this first week of the month.

Moving along (June 12th - 16th), there is a great conjunction between three celestial bodies: the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, which are all in the sign of Gemini. This brings a strong wave, refocusing us on the Gemini opportunity to be open-minded, fun, and lighter in our interactions with others. This time is also a powerful time to promote, market, introduce, and awaken awareness to anything we believe in and would like to create a greater exposure to.

In the second part of the month, we see a slow transition of planets into the sign of Cancer. On June 17th, Mercury and Venus transition to Cancer. And on June 21st, the Sun moves to Cancer, as well. Those transitions open the door for the emotional world. This is a time to learn how to handle our emotions, understand our feelings, and open our hearts to deeper empathy with others.

As Rav Berg shared with us in his book Kabbalistic Astrology, the main spiritual goal for the sign of Gemini and for all of us this month:

“Share knowledge and wisdom with others. Understand that true lasting freedom is forged from your connection to others and from an exchange of ideas that leads to a true Metamorphosis.”

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