Astrology Forecast for the Month of Libra 2022
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Libra 2022

Batsheva Shouster
September 22, 2022
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Cosmic Reconstruction

We are entering one of the most important months of the year. The first day of Libra is considered to be “the head of the year.” During the month of Libra, our soul goes through 22 days of cosmic reconstruction. The leftover effects of our actions in this life or past lives rise to the surface, and our livelihood for the upcoming year will be determined.

Those 22 days are divided into two parts; the first ten days are about removing judgment and disconnecting from the source of negativity. This is especially true in the first two days, the cosmic window of Rosh Hashanah, or the head of the year. During events at the Kabbalah Centre, we use the shofaras a tool to separate ourselves from negative judgment.

We start the month with a special connection between all the air signs: Mars in Gemini, the sun in Libra, and Saturn in Aquarius. Air signs are about communication, socializing, and information. We can use this unique combination for positive and empowering connections with people. Look inward and think about what words you are saying to others. What words do you use with yourself? The universe gives us a chance to strengthen communication.

Rav Berg explained that the words that come out of our mouths impact the wellness of the world, and by using our words wisely, we can bring healing energy to the world. This is especially true when Saturn is in Aquarius, the sign of freedom and invention. With this energy all around, we can find new and innovative solutions to different issues the world is currently experiencing.

Some Events We Will See This Month:

Mercury Trine with Pluto

Mercury is the planet of communication, while Pluto is the planet of deep transformation. This gives us the opportunity to look at things with a wider understanding. It takes courage to remove fear and look inside ourselves with the knowledge that the difficulties we experience hold enormous blessings. Ask yourself, “Where is the chance for growth and greater blessings?” By genuinely looking for them and knowing with certainty that they are there, we can turn any heaviness into healing. By staying bitter and holding on to the pain, our issues will only grow and become heavier.

The Sun in Libra

We all want fairness, love, and harmony. Though, the sun in opposition to Jupiter can push us to exaggerate or take things out of proportion. It is important for us to not go to extremes at this time.

Saturn Squares Uranus

This is a powerful square, and we will feel the urge to break free. Focus your energy on what is important for you in your life, and pour your energy there. If you are not sure what your focus is, try studying something new and explore new horizons! When not embraced properly, this square can encourage violence and aggression.

Neptune in Pisces in Opposition to Venus and Mercury in Virgo

The axis of spirituality, meditation, and universal energy moves up against practicality and efficiency. This opposition is not easy, but we can use it to bring together these two types of energy. After all, the great kabbalists owned businesses and stores in order to test how true spirituality works in the physical world.

Be wary of gurus or anyone who promises the truth. Check contracts and read them carefully. Read the fine print and spend money wisely. Make sure to check the details.

The same is true of romance. On the one hand, be merciful with your significant other and show appreciation. On the other hand, do not follow false romantic promises.

By September 29th, Venus moves into Libra, the domain of harmony, teamwork, and partnership. We can see both sides of the story and bring peace to all. On October 2nd,Mercury will go direct in Virgo after three weeks of retrograde. In Virgo, Mercury is sharp, analyzing, and cares only for the truth. Mercury will re-enter Libra on October 11th, where it is more oriented toward balance and fairness. There again, Mercury will oppose Jupiter. The energy of Libra will increase during that time. And our job is to be careful not to compromise on who we are while trying to make other people happy.

The air element will be strong at that time. Connect to earth elements to ground yourself. Stand barefoot on Mother Earth or touch the ground beneath you. Meditate on the 72 Names of God #59. Bring those letters into your root area to be grounded and connect to stability in the universe. And breathe.

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