Astrology Forecast for the Month of Pisces I 2022
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Pisces I 2022

Ruth Nahmias
January 31, 2022
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Endless Possibility

On February 1st, 2022, we will have our first New Moon in Pisces of the year. (On March 2nd, we will have our second New Moon in Pisces, as there are two months of Pisces this year.) Ruled by Neptune and Jupiter, Pisces is perhaps the most enigmatic sign of the zodiac. More so than Scorpio. With Pisces, you never really know what’s going on. It is an elusive, mysterious, and unpredictable sign.

Dreams, the unconscious, divinity, extra sensorial perception and communication, and pretty much everything we can’t see, touch, or make sense of are part of Pisces’ realm. Pisces and the twelfth house also bring miracles, unconditional love, and unexpected opportunities.

If we know how to tap into Pisces’ energy—that uncharted territory where miracles do happen—this portal can bring infinite creative opportunities. The New Moon in Pisces on February 1st is one of those portals. Moreover, the planet Jupiter and the planet Neptune are in Pisces too.

The domicile of Jupiter is Pisces, so it feels at home in this sign. In Pisces, Jupiter can be as wise, spiritual, and visionary as they want. The last couple of years, with Jupiter in Capricorn, have not been easy. Now that Jupiter is in Pisces, our sense of faith is restored.

But what makes this particular Jupiter in Pisces transit even more special is that Jupiter will be together with Neptune. This is very interesting because both Jupiter and Neptune rule Pisces. To have both rulers in the sign of their rulership is pretty special. When Jupiter (with its larger-than-life optimism and sense of expansion) and Neptune (with its mystical vision) are in the same sign, we start to feel and see the Light everywhere.

How does Jupiter in Pisces work in the month of Pisces? Let’s get things straight: while Jupiter is synonymous with growth and expansion, it can also be a bit unrealistic. When we doengage with Jupiter’s energy, we are much more likely to achieve our goal, or at least to get closer to it. And that’s precisely why Jupiter is considered to be a great benefit in astrology. It’s not Jupiter that brings abundance and luck to you. It’s youwho manifests blessings when you actually put yourself out there.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and encompasses all the other signs. Therefore, it is the sign of endless possibility—all manifestation and blessings. Because we’re in Pisces season, look for signs and ask for spiritual guidance as you meditate. There is no right or wrong way to do it. As long as we take responsibility for our lives, and as long as our choices come from a place of truth, we will probably do the right thing for ourselves and for society as a whole.

Jupiter in Pisces is about how we, as individuals (every single one of us), contribute to a better world by helping ourselves, our fellow humans. and other living beings. It’s time to take responsibility for our actions and thoughts to make the world a better place.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Pisces

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