Astrology Forecast for November 14-20, 2021
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Astrology Forecast for November 14-20, 2021

Amir Michael Rehan
November 14, 2021
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This week begins with the conjunction of the moon in Pisces with Neptune, offering us a very intuitive energy to start the week, as the sun is still in the water sign of Scorpio. We can use this time at the beginning of the week to ask questions of the universe and get the answers we seek. Pay attention to synchronicities and keep your sixth sense open to the mystical. However, be aware that the watery nature of the beginning of the week can bring up strong emotions too! The moon begins the week in Pisces while the sun is in Scorpio, bringing a tsunami of possible emotions.

The secret is to see the "goal" of the week—as the moon travels, we see that by the close of the week, it touches the air sign of Gemini in the full moon. Air is considered the element of balance (water is the right column, fire is the left column, and air is the central column). The full moon is also a code for balance, as it occurs in the exact middle of the month.

No wonder this is the portion Jacob fights the Angel of Death in the famous story of Vayishlach. Kabbalists explain that Jacob was facing his hardest, deepest emotions here (sadness, anger, and fear). Yet, he wins the fight. Each patriarch symbolizes a dimension in the Tree of Life, and Jacob represents the central column of balance. Sometimes we need to listen to our emotions, and sometimes we need to understand that those loud emotions are probably a trick of the Opponent. To fight the negativity within is not about the repression of emotions but cutting out excess, exaggerations, and (internal or external) drama.

This week, as the planets go from water to air, we can dry the tears and open ourselves up to the lightness of spirit.

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