Astrology Forecast for November 19-25, 2023
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Astrology Forecast for November 19-25, 2023

Batsheva Shouster
November 19, 2023
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In the next few weeks, the universe helps us to establish balance, in both the physical and spiritual realms. Sometimes, we think balance occurs when nothing is happening, and everything is calm. However, the physical world has never been balanced. There has never been a generation where nothing has happened. Balance is something we build from within. How are we in our day-to-day lives? How do we react to difficult situations? What kind of situations do we find ourselves in?

“This week, we can…leave unnecessary thoughts and beliefs behind.”

The world is putting the focus on mental health and balance more often. It is an important step in the right direction. But true personal balance comes through our choices, priorities, setting the right boundaries, and our state of mind. This week, we can go from one state of mind to another, leaving unnecessary thoughts and beliefs behind.  

We have the gift of connecting with angels—messengers from the Creator. They are here to help us and will support us in any path we choose. If it is positive, then we attract positive angels and vice versa.

We are beginning the second week of the month of Sagittarius, which opens with the moon in Aquarius. This sign is all about world peace, but unity will only come when we get along and are present with ourselves in our daily lives: among family and friends. The sun is still in Scorpio until Wednesday, and then it will move to Sagittarius, while Mars will move by the weekend.

“Unity will only come when we get along and are present with ourselves…”

The conjunction between the sun and Mars began last week, and it will last for more or less another 2-3 weeks. But it is now less powerful because last week it was in the same degree. It can help us with willpower and manifesting things we desire in other aspects of our lives.

Venus, the planet of love and romance, is in Libra and conjunct with the South Node. Venus in Libra is fun, social, and artistic. On the other hand, we can make an effort for people to like us and compromise our authenticity. Those of you who have planets in Libra between 22° and 26° will be affected. This is a good time to work on what genuinely exists inside of you. Look at it and recognize it. When we try to be someone we are not in order for others to like us, we lose energy and get further away from the blessings that are meant for us.

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