Connecting to the New Maps Created for Us Every Day
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Connecting to the New Maps Created for Us Every Day

Michael Berg
May 7, 2023
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It says in the Midrash that every single day the Creator is revealing a new way, new understandings, and new pathways. What this means is that the Creator renews creation every day; the spiritual framework, spiritual pathways, spiritual wisdom, and spiritual understandings that exist today are brand new. They didn't exist yesterday. Therefore, if we're doing spiritual work today in the pathways of yesterday, last week, or last month, we're not connected, because the pathways today are different.

"The Creator reveals new teachings every day."

The question then, is how do we connect to those pathways? Because we don't want to do the wrong work today. We want to be able to connect. How do we connect to the Creator in the way that is new? The kabbalists teach us that every moment is different. As such, no prayer or connection is ever the same, because the entire spiritual framework is constantly changing.

It says in the Midrash that the Creator reveals new teachings every day, because the framework is new today, and it’s very important to understand that as a concept: my work today needs to be somehow plugged in to what the Creator created brand new today. If we’re not of that consciousness, then we’re doing the work from yesterday, last month, last year, or even five years ago. If we’re not connecting to the Creator today, it's like we’re trying to use an old map of hundreds of years ago to get somewhere today.

So, every single day, the Creator is creating a new map. How do we get this new map, and get to our destination today? By coming with this consciousness that we want to find today’s new pathway. Then, the Creator will show it to us. The Creator will show it to us, but it begins with this consciousness. We need to really have this clarity that today the Creator created new pathways of connection. We can use some of the tools that are always possible, like we can use our car with a new map or an old map. The tool is, for example, the vehicle, but it's not the pathway. It's not the map. The map is something new. So the first thing to understand is that the map is new, the pathways are new, and knowing that today the Creator created new pathways, we want to find them and make sure our work is going according to that new map.

Sometimes when we think about the Light of the Creator, we think, you know, it's the Light- I get some Light and you get some Light. But it doesn't work that way. The Light we each need is specific to us and so perfectly created for each one of us that if we got someone else’s Light, it wouldn't be good for us. The Light that is perfected and created for each one of us is only good for the one of us it was perfected and created for.

"The Light we each need is perfect and specific to us."

How do we make sure we’re getting our Light? Every moment, every hour, there's new Light, so how do we connect to that? By understanding that first, it has to begin with this consciousness. We have to be clear that the pathways of connection are renewed every single day. There's a new pathway, and we need to desire discovering it. And then we understand that second, in this moment, our soul has a unique Light that needs to be receiving.

Being a spiritual person and doing positive actions of sharing doesn't guarantee anything, unless it's based upon the understanding that there's a unique pathway for us today. There's a unique Light created just for each of us in the next moment, and we need to find it. That’s how we make sure the new pathways and Light are finding their ways to us.

Every aspect of our lives is part of that new pathway, and that's the way we have to view it. Therefore, if something negative happens to us, the reason is because we need that unique occurrence in order to create and prepare ourselves to receive the specific Light that's available for us today and in that moment. So, next time a negative thing happens, we can remind ourselves it is because the Creator knows that in order for our soul to find that new pathway available today, we need to go through that detour or process.

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