How Can I Find Direction? 3 Tips to Receive Guidance from the Universe
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How Can I Find Direction? 3 Tips to Receive Guidance from the Universe

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
March 18, 2024
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When we feel lost or unsure of where to go with our lives, we sometimes look for signs from the Universe to provide us with a sense of direction. The truth is there are messages around us all the time. Growing our ability to see, observe, receive, and understand these messages is a necessary part of our spiritual development. They are a map from the Creator to guide us towards the blessings and fulfillment we are meant to have.

Here are 3 tips to receive guidance from the Universe:

1. Trust that the Light of the Creator is a force pulling you towards positive transformation.

If you were sailing down a river and didn’t understand the way that currents work, you would be incredibly confused by the way your boat was reacting. You might question who was pushing your boat or why you were going in a direction you didn’t intend. The Light of the Creator is like the currents of a river - we may not be able to see its force, but it is pulling each of us along. 

People sometimes find it difficult to think of God as a being that talks directly to us or sends us signs. The logic of this can be hard to accept. If God is a being, then it must be extremely busy talking to every single person. Try thinking of the Creator as a force constantly pushing each of us towards positive growth, change, and transformation. There is a flow to life, a direction in which we are going, and an end goal. We are supported in the journey of life by this force of positivity. Knowing this can help us tap into the flow and allow it to guide us.  

2. Be open to seeing the synchronicities around you all the time. 

If you’ve ever noticed a strange coincidence or connection that seems so unlikely and improbable that it must have a deeper spiritual meaning, you’ve encountered the phenomenon known as synchronicity, a term coined by psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Synchronicity is the collision of events where things come together perfectly when we need them in a way that feels meaningful. Jung believed that life is not a series of random events and that synchronicities are the expression of the deeper order that underlies our lives. 

Nothing is random. Everything has a meaning and a purpose. Most of us notice signs but don’t pause and take them seriously or don’t believe they are important to us. We miss most of the messages the Creator sends us, but we can reframe our viewpoint and begin to notice the ways the Creator wants to communicate with us. 

For one day, try looking at everything as being purposeful. Be open to seeing what is there instead of what you are expecting to be there. Allow your mind to wander and be curious about your environment. Open yourself to this reality, and you will start seeing more and more of these synchronicities. 

3. Strive to become a better person all the time. 

While the Light of the Creator is a force bringing us towards positive transformation, in order to be part of that flow, we must be in tune with our true soul’s purpose. This means striving to be more sharing, less selfless, and less driven by ego. Unless we are directing our lives to the expression of our souls and becoming better people all the time, we aren’t going to get the messages we need or understand them.

The best way to start noticing these messages is to be open and to align your life with personal growth. Make sure you are striving towards positive growth, change, and transformation. You’ll know you are on the right spiritual path when you start noticing more and more synchronicities around you. 

There are signs around us all the time. Being open to them and able to receive them is key to our long-term well-being and fulfillment. They provide us with direction when we feel lost and give us guidance for the spiritual work we are meant to do in this life. There is a force of positivity that exists to support us in our journey. Open yourself up and align your actions with your soul so that you are able to tap into that force and receive the messages you need today. 

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