How Can I Make the Most of My Spiritual Journey? 3 Tips to Stay on Your Soul’s Path
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How Can I Make the Most of My Spiritual Journey? 3 Tips to Stay on Your Soul’s Path

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
September 30, 2024
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We live in a unique time in human history when access to spiritual wisdom is greater than it’s ever been. Anyone with an internet connection can find countless articles, videos, classes, and spiritual texts available right at their fingertips. But this access also comes with a potential pitfall that is easy to fall into: a spiritual path that is directionless without clear goals or drive. This type of meandering spiritual journey can prevent us from fully realizing our potential and living our soul’s purpose.

Here are 3 tips to ensure you are making the most of your spiritual journey and staying on your soul’s path:

1. Make it your goal to bring greater Light into the world.

If you ask the average spiritual person why they practice spirituality, the answer will likely be for some form of self-improvement: wanting to be happier, more successful, calmer, or more centered, for instance. All of those are important goals, but it’s vital to focus our spiritual path on the most important goal of all: bringing greater Light into the world.

This shift in consciousness reframes how we go about our spiritual work. The goal is not to just be a “spiritual person.” Rather, there is a specific amount of work and development each of our souls need to go through. It’s a different way to look at things that has a greater drive behind it.

Ask yourself, “Is my spiritual work being driven by a need to be going somewhere, or is it to just make myself feel better?” It’s ok to do specific things that make you feel good or make you kinder to others, but there is a more potent view of our spiritual work. It necessitates that we develop ourselves in all areas to a much higher place. The good you bring into this world today may be significant, but know that there is so much more you are capable of.

2. Consistently push yourself towards more and more spiritual development.

If your goal is to run a 26.2-mile marathon, you may start training by running a mile or two a day. And while that will help you improve and be healthier, it isn’t enough to get you to your ultimate goal. Eventually, you will need to do more to get where you need to be. The same is true of our spiritual work. We can get stuck in doing the bare minimum, which is better than nothing at all, but will not be enough to fully utilize the potential of our souls.

True spiritual growth means never becoming complacent and always striving for more. Even if we act in an especially spiritual way today, that doesn’t stop the journey. It’s easy to think we are doing enough and ultimately lose sight that there is an end goal we are trying to reach. Ask yourself, “Do I feel and experience day to day that I am pushing myself to change and grow and share?”

3. Step outside of your comfort zone as often as possible.

Once we understand that we’re meant to direct our lives towards fulfilling our purpose, the next logical question is, “How do I find my purpose and know that I’m doing what I’m meant to?” The answer lies outside of our comfort zones. Your life’s purpose is discovered by breaking your routines and getting uncomfortable. You just need to take step after step in the uncomfortable in the unknown. It’s not about the knowing, it’s about the doing.

A lot of people think they are moving forward on their spiritual journey by doing acts of kindness and sharing, but the question is, “How uncomfortable is it?” A billionaire may write a check for a charity but would find it much more uncomfortable to volunteer their time at a soup kitchen. The uncomfortable act is more transformative and powerful because it requires more of us.

Ask yourself, “How often do I step outside my comfort zone along my spiritual journey?” Are you sharing with people that you are not so fond of? When you have a selfish desire, are you restricting? Grab hold of those opportunities to get uncomfortable every week, if not every day. Try keeping a journal of what you did each day that got you out of your comfort zone.

The potential of your soul is so much greater than you can imagine. Your spiritual work isn’t just about self-improvement, it’s about revealing the Light that the world so desperately needs. Strive for that goal, avoid becoming complacent, and push yourself out of your comfort zone. In doing so, you will discover your purpose and start taking steps to reveal your unique power. Are you on a meandering spiritual trip or moving forward with drive towards your spiritual goal?
