How Can I Stay Positive in Times of Healing? 3 Tips for Embracing Life’s Setbacks
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How Can I Stay Positive in Times of Healing? 3 Tips for Embracing Life’s Setbacks

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
February 14, 2022
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Being sick or injured is never fun. It’s painful, uncomfortable, and often prevents us from doing the things we love to do. But physical recovery can also be a powerful time of growth and transformation.

We are often most mentally present when in pain and discomfort. This can sometimes lead to the overwhelming feeling that we are missing out on life. On the other hand, we can use this time to connect with our soul, our true self, and set our intentions for where we want to go.

Here are 3 tips to stay positive in times of healing:

1. Have certainty that this is where you are meant to be.

It’s easy to believe the Creator wants what is best for us when we are experiencing good times, but as soon as life gets difficult or the outcome is unclear, we start to believe the Creator couldn’t possibly want this for us.

There are an endless number of spiritual reasons for everything that happens to us, most of which we are completely unable to see or comprehend. Having certainty in the universe means knowing that everything that comes into your life is to help you develop, grow, have more fulfillment, and experience more blessings without logical understanding of the specific purpose for this. You are where you need to be at every moment, even when things don’t go according to your plan. There is a greater purpose beyond us.

It is so difficult to keep this consciousness while you are in the thick of hard times. It takes a lot of practice! Practice keeping this mindset in the smaller moments, like when someone wastes a few minutes of your time or when you’re running late due to traffic, and it will get easier for the bigger moments. Remind yourself, “If I’m here, it’s because my soul needs this right now. There is nothing better for me to be experiencing than this. It doesn’t feel like it, it’s not my choice, but I awaken certainty that this is where I need to be.”

2. Reframe your experience by asking, “What do I want to learn from this?”

One of the many reasons that we face challenges is for the sake of pushing us towards greater growth and greater fulfillment. It is healthy to be curious about the things that happen to us and to look for the opportunity in the challenge. This requires us to look at our obstacles, not from the space of, “Why me?”, but rather from the mindset of, “What do I want to learn from this? Is there something I should or could be doing differently going forward? What is the opportunity for me to do differently in my life going forward?”

Setbacks are a chance to reset and reevaluate. Although we can never know all the complex spiritual reasons for the things that happen to us, we can at least start to understand a fraction of the lessons we are meant to learn and use the opportunity to set our intentions going forward.

3. Feel your negative emotions but give them a time limit.

When trying to live spiritual lives, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing we need to alwaysstay happy and positive. This can actually lead us to feel the exact opposite! There is an important time to feel our negative emotions. When we deny this part of ourselves or shame it, we completely miss the opportunity to transform it.

When you feel at your lowest, there is not only a purpose for it, but it is often the most powerful time of your life for transformation and blessings. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, times of sadness or pain are not really negative - they are the shield of a tremendous amount of blessings that are coming. The experience of pain is an important stepping stone towards growth, wisdom, fulfillment.

Acknowledge your feelings, but don’t spend too much time wallowing in them. Your next big blessing is on the other side of fear, doubt, or frustration.

When we’re going through hardships, whether it’s a physical ailment or any other challenge, it can feel like we are missing out on life. But resting and healing are their own form of productivity. The Creator means for you to be exactly where you are in this moment, even if the reasons are beyond comprehension. Use the opportunity to reevaluate your priorities, focus on growth, and open yourself to the blessings that are just around the corner.

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