How Can I Tap into the Power of My Soul? 3 Tips to Utilize Your Unique Gifts
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How Can I Tap into the Power of My Soul? 3 Tips to Utilize Your Unique Gifts

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
June 3, 2024
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Our souls are sparks of the Creator, the most powerful force in the Universe. Because we are connected to that creative force, we have that same unlimited power within us. We are capable of achievements far greater than we can even imagine! Learning how to tap into that power is key to living a thriving, fulfilling life and to revealing our soul’s purpose in this world.

Here are 3 tips to start tapping into the power of your soul:

1. Know that your soul has unlimited potential.

Our souls are limitless, but we don’t always believe it. Unfortunately, we put limitations on our power by not believing in ourselves. We hold ourselves back by underestimating what we can achieve.

To tap into the power of our souls, we must first believe that we are limitless. No matter what we have accomplished so far, there are always new levels to what we can achieve. Not only are we capable of greatness, but it’s also a necessary part of our soul’s purpose in this world. You are in this physical world to express the power of your soul.

Take time to reflect each day on the fact that you are connected to the Creator and have a limitless power source within you. You don’t need to know what your potential looks like to trust that it’s endlessly greater than what you can envision right now. In doing so, you will open yourself up to the powerful possibilities of who you can become.

2. Strive to authentically express your unique Light.

We each have a unique Light within us that we are meant to reveal. This means you have a special purpose in this world, unlike anyone else’s. The more you try to conceal or change parts of yourself to be like other people, the more you hide the Light that the world desperately needs.

Living authentically can be scary because it makes us feel vulnerable. Too often, we hold ourselves back because we worry about how others will see us. The truth is you will never gain acceptance from everyone all the time. People will naturally judge and misunderstand you, especially when you are living in alignment with your soul. What matters most is what you think about yourself. Are you happy with yourself and the way you are living?

Practice opening yourself up in ways that may seem scary. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Worry less about what others think and more about how you can express yourself authentically.

3. Consider how what you see as your “flaws” might in fact be your greatest strengths.

We tend to think of ourselves as having “good” and “bad” traits but don’t often consider how both are necessary and feed into each other. What if all the things we think are wrong with us are there for a reason? Our biggest weaknesses can actually be our superpowers. Being unfocused can mean you are better at jumping from project to project, or being a procrastinator can mean you work well under pressure.

Find the thing you are most insecure about or think of as your limitation and contemplate how it could be your superpower. You have unique gifts that allow you to have a different perspective and life path than anyone else on the planet. Start looking at your differences as your purpose.

Our souls are more powerful than we can conceive. But we put limitations on our power when we deny it, dismiss it, or try to conceal it. Know that you have a unique Light that is unlike anyone else’s. It is powerful and limitless and something the world is waiting for. Only you can reveal your Light to the world. Believe in yourself. Your strengths and your weaknesses are both part of the wonderful gift that the world needs, a gift only you can give.
