How Can Spiritual Study Help Me? 4 Benefits of Studying Wisdom
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How Can Spiritual Study Help Me? 4 Benefits of Studying Wisdom

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
June 24, 2024
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When we think about the practices of a healthy spiritual journey, we often think of prayer, sharing with others, growing our appreciation, and building a stronger relationship with the Creator. But there’s another important tool that we often neglect: studying spiritual wisdom. This can mean reading one of the ancient texts, the writings of the sages, or even the words of a modern philosopher.

Whether it’s from 2000 years ago or from yesterday, there are numerous advantages to studying wisdom. Here are 4 of the key benefits of spiritual study:

1. It provides you with inspiration to transform your life for the better.

When it comes to studying, we often think of it as a means to gain new information or learn something we didn’t know before. While that's valuable and important, what is even more impactful is the inspiration that it can provide.

Without providing ourselves with new sources of daily wisdom and inspiration, we’re bound to repeat the same day over and over again. Today can be so much better than yesterday. When we study something that inspires us, it provides us with a new consciousness, a new mindset, and a new outlook for the day so that we can live in a different way.

2. It connects your consciousness to a more elevated state.

The distance between where our consciousness is today and the level we can ultimately get to is vast. When we study words of wisdom from someone who is or was of a more elevated state than us, we actually connect our mind to their mind and our consciousness to their consciousness. This allows us to elevate our consciousness to a higher state.

When we attach our thoughts to those souls that are more elevated, it impacts the rest of our day, not just because we have new wisdom, information, and inspiration but because our minds are in a different place. When you study from great souls, you get greater direction for your life. You gain more clarity about the direction your life should go because you’re able to see things from a higher vantage point.

3. It curbs the ego and gives you humility.

Our ego wants us to believe that we know everything, especially in areas we think we’ve mastered. The more we study, the more it becomes apparent how little we really know about the world. There is always more to learn.

That realization can be humbling in a way that makes us curious and prevents us from taking things for granted. It helps us keep our ego in check so that we don’t assume we are right about everything or that there is only one way to see things. This helps us avoid our own blind spots, see the world in a new way, and expand our minds.

4. It heightens intuition and provides direction.

When you study wisdom, you not only attach your mind to the minds of spiritually developed people, you also connect to the Creator. In doing so, your mind becomes more in tune with the Creator’s divine plan for your day. You become better able to navigate your life, make the right decisions, say the right words, and take the right actions.

We have the answers to every question and every problem we might encounter already within us. We just have trouble accessing it because we've polluted our minds with distractions, uncertainty, and ego. Study leads to more profound, true thought that heightens intuition, allowing us to tap into the answers that we all have deep within.

Daily study can sound like an overwhelming idea, but just taking ten minutes to read something profound can have a major impact on your day and your life. Make spiritual wisdom a priority for you, and see how much more inspiration, humility, and direction you find.

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