A very floaty and watery New Moon of Pisces pushes us to be open and receptive to our spiritual world. We are more sensitive than usual under the Pisces New Moon as we navigate its watery energy. This is the time to be gentle with ourselves and make time to go within. Creating a stronger energy allows us to plant seeds and set intentions for the month ahead.
This is also our last lunar cycle before the start of a new astrological year, which arrives next month on the equinox. Pisces captures a collective consciousness that unites us all. The truth is, we share the same sunlight and breathe the same air. The common denominators that make us who we are as living beings help us realize that our differences, our individualities, are temporary. The integration of personal will into the collective consciousness is powerful.
This month we want to focus on a unique spiritual tool: affirmations. An affirmation is the “act or an instance of affirming” and “the assertion that something exists or is true” (dictionary.com). Affirmations are especially powerful when spoken out loud to ourselves when we are centered and tuned into our hearts. The Kabbalists assert; words create worlds, for better or worse, so it’s in our best interest to be intentional with our words. Spoken affirmations are a tool we can use to align ourselves with the energy and consciousness we want to connect to and or draw in. The more we practice reaffirming positive affirmations, the more we remind ourselves of certain truths and awaken these truths within our soul, until our mind and soul completely accept these truths, acting in harmony with them.