Quarterly Donor Impact Report – October 2023
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Quarterly Donor Impact Report – October 2023

Michael Berg
October 31, 2023
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The senseless violence unfolding in Israel and surrounding areas has left our hearts heavy with grief. It is difficult to put into words the deep sorrow we feel as we learn of the lives lost and the harrowing reality of the rising toll. We are, however, uplifted by our community’s incredible support for Israel. Thank you for your outpouring of kindness and empathy. Your efforts are making an impact in both the physical and supernal realms, and in the coming months we’ll be updating you on how you’re making a difference. Find more ways to help. Our students and teachers in Israel are distributing thousands of Zohars. If you would like to help support them, please contact erin.goldfarb@kabbalah.com.

When it comes to giving, Rav Berg would often say that the point isn’t about us, the giver. The true essence of giving transcends the self; in fact, the highest form of generosity arises when we empower others to uplift themselves. Giving is a joyous act that requires no prompting, and we have the power to magnify its impact by elevating the consciousness we bring to our giving. If, for instance, we offer our last dollar to someone, but we do so with a warm smile, a heart brimming with compassion, and a sincere desire for their well-being, we elevate our gift to a higher plane. Each of us possesses the remarkable potential to create transformative, lasting change in the lives of others. As we nurture a mindset filled with love, connection, and genuine care for others, we come to realize that giving to someone else is no different than giving to ourselves. By consciously channeling positivity and light into the lives of others through our acts of giving, we create a circuit that beckons even more light and blessings into our own life.

It is our hope and desire that when you give to The Kabbalah Centre – when you contribute to our goal of creating a truly better world by tangibly improving people’s lives – you embrace the extraordinary power of giving and watch as it transforms the world around you and within you.

We invite you to read up on some of our inspiring recent projects – made possible by your selfless giving – that are creating change today.

The Roots Program is in full flight

To support parents in bringing spirituality into their children’s lives, we created the Roots Program: a collection of valuable resources that offers children, teens, and parents an array of proven spiritual tools to navigate life and positively impact the world. The program has been met with unequivocal success, as Roots is now our fastest-growing project at the Centre. Thanks to your generosity, we now offer guidance services for both youths and parents, and we now also are able to make scholarship options available. Removing financial barriers to spirituality for young people is huge, and we can’t thank you enough for your support!

Additionally, the Roots Program has, in recent months:

  • released Rosh Hashanah videos for 5-8- and 8–12-year-olds that explore the power and potential of Rosh Hashanah, as well as the spiritual significance of the shofar.
  • enlisted volunteers in Mexico and LA to share Monica and Abigail Berg’s enlightening children’s book, The Gift of Being Different, to kids in their communities.
    • LA volunteers partnered with Reading is Fundamental of Southern California, a non-profit that provides books to children of low-income families. They gifted 350 copies of The Gift of Being Different in both English and Spanish.
    • Volunteers in Mexico partnered with POLA, an organization that provides medicine and basic needs to low-income families, with a creative project to inspire positivity and community. Around 85 kids and adults participated, and each received a Pinchas Zohar as well as their own copy of The Gift of Being Different.

High Holidays connections a resounding success

We experienced an incredibly heartwarming connection during the High Holidays. Our mission was to raise funds for the Karen Berg Scholarship Fund, and we managed to raise enough to touch the lives of almost 4,200 souls in the upcoming year. Nearly 3,000 individuals came together in unity at our Centres worldwide, and an additional 2,300 families joined us online.

What's truly heartening is that more than half of our students made a special effort to be with their community and connect as a group. There is tremendous power in this unity and togetherness.

The Rav Berg Zohar Project reveals ever more Light

The Zohar Project never ceases to inspire us with their unwavering dedication and wholehearted commitment to sharing the wisdom of the Zohar. This year has been truly exceptional as we've surpassed our goal of spreading 100,000 Zohars throughout the world!

Some highlights include:

  • Welcoming our new Zohar Project groups in Jamaica and El Salvador. The El Salvador team is now acquiring permits to give Zohars to government institutions such as police stations, hospitals, and fire stations.
  • As part of the Zohar Project World Hot Spots program, in response to the wildfires in Maui, Hawaii, we sent over 1,000 Pinchassim. Local volunteers are giving the pocket Pinchas Zohars to first responders, fire stations, and hospitals, along with our humanitarian partner, Global Empowerment Mission (GEM), who is including them in their care packages.
  • Volunteers in the Netherlands visited 342 cities and reached all 342 mayors to give them a Zohar. Now the King and all of the Mayors of the Netherlands have a Zohar!

Other highlights in the last 3 months:

  • New Students: 21,878 new students have taken a class at the Centre
  • Kabbalah 1 expanded to 20 courses with 1,445 people registered
  • Scholarships: 983 students were supported with a Onehouse Community Membership

As we continue our work in improving people's lives, we hope you’ll be inspired by the myriad ways in which your donations are helping to transform the world. Our efforts to provide access to the transformative wisdom of Kabbalah will never cease, and we sincerely thank you for your generous support.

With love,

Michael and Monica Berg

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