This article was originally published in 2018.
As you sit here today reading these words, you may be alone in a room or an office. But all around you are energies that cannot be seen by your naked eye. For instance, we are unable to see with our eyes infrared light and ultraviolet light. Radio waves, the internet, cellular conversations, and almost endless media is invisibly moving around you. Science confirms that we are truly never alone. However, even before the existence of these technologies we were still not alone. We have always been accompanied by a network of angels guiding us and assisting us on our life’s journey. Energy is around us, every moment of every day. Most importantly with us is the omnipresence and great love of the Creator. The Creator is always with us and watching over us, never abandoning or forgetting us. Even though it may appear at times we are alone or have been forgotten, it is never the case. We came to this world for a purpose, so that we may develop our own Light. Can a candle shine in the presence of the sun? We agreed to come to this world to experience the illusion of aloneness, but it is only an illusion. As a child, I experienced a frightening event. Some children threw me into a construction pit and I was stuck there. I was alone and afraid I would die. I was terrified at first, but then, I started to feel the presence of the Creator. A feeling and a “knowing” came over me. I knew I was not alone and that I would be protected, and indeed I was. This is not just my experience, but each of us is carried gently in the hand of the Creator. We are never alone or forgotten. There is a force greater than each of us accompanying us as we are shaped for our future. This week, we are given the gift of strengthening and reestablishing our connection to the Creator. We are sent a spiritual umbilical cord down into any darkness to brighten our world. We are reassured that the Creator is watching over us, and that wherever we are in life is designed for our greater growth. There is a Light that emerges at the end of the tunnel; it is the Creator’s love and you are held safe in His arms. The Creator is always providing His children with assistance.
"The Creator is always providing His children with assistance."
Each week, we have a portion of the Torah to aid all of humanity in removing the difficulties of life and bringing blessings. The Torah, which is comprised of five books, is a great revelation of Light for the world to utilize. Our portion this week is Shemot. Shemot is the first chapter in the second book of the Torah. Starting with the portion of Shemot and ending with the portion of Mishpatim is a window in time that opens for all of humanity and aids us in releasing our negative behaviors and spiritual blockages, designed by the Creator for his beloved children so we may improve our lives. Shemot tells the story of the descendants of Jacob. At this point, Jacob and his children have all passed. The descendants, known as Israelites, had become enslaved in Egypt. They had experienced a prosperous and a joyful life, but now they live a life of slavery and negativity. In life, we may enter into difficult periods of time. During these periods, we try our best to surmount them and move towards a better and brighter future. But we do not have to do the work of removing chaos alone. The Creator is always there. The Israelites prayed to the Creator -- and they were heard. The Torah writes, “God heard their moaning and He remembered His Covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and knew about them.” In Shemot, our greatest leader and prophet Moses was born. He is a messenger of the Creator to guide the Israelites out of bondage of Egypt, and to guide us out of our life’s challenges. Moses is half-man and half-angel, and works with the team of angels we each have around us. As the Israelites felt their greatest despair, the Creator began the process of redeeming them and building a better life for them. The Creator instructs Moses on a plan to release the Israelites and initiate their process of redemption. The times were about to change for the Israelites, for their prayers were heard.
In life, there will be periods of difficulty and challenges. No matter our social background or economic position, life is full of joys and sorrows. We have come to this world to experience them both and to grow from them. The challenges in life are what allow us to reach the next level of maturity of our soul and to teach us how to be more connected to the Creator. Just like a muscle that receives a heavy burden, we gain strength from life. Our souls have entered into these bodies to experience this "earth school" so we may develop our spirits. We have been given the gift of life so we may learn how to merge with the Creator and grow into the large shoes we were given to fill. Every challenge at hand is designed for this purpose. The Creator knows exactly where you are and what you are doing. We are heard, and help is on the way. Nothing lasts forever, including our challenges, even they must eventually come to an end. The Light is always shining at the end of the tunnel. We only need to be open to trusting that we are always held closely in the palm of the Creator and our future is destined to be good.
"The Love of the Creator is waiting for you."
In our meditations for the week, we remind ourselves of the assistance that we cannot often see. Networks of angels are around us, blessing us, and guiding us through our journey. The Light of the Creator is always shining on us, keeping us warm and safe. The great teachers tell us that life is just a narrow bridge we must cross. All we are asked is to not be afraid. Close your eyes and take a moment. See yourself being held closely by the Creator. Think about a challenge you may be experiencing. Remind yourself that everything passes and this difficulty too shall pass. See your angels hovering around you and the Creator’s Light shining on you. Know in your heart that you are not alone and the process you are in, however difficult it may be, is for your spiritual growth. The Creator knows that life is not easy. He knows when you are scared or are in pain. We are never held more closely than in our darkest moments of life. We can rest assured that we are never alone, redemption will come, and we will live a good life. There is a beautiful Light at the end of every tunnel and it is the Love of the Creator waiting for you.