On Pesach we connect to the energy of life, renewal, and freedom from the restraints of our old movies. During the first night of Pesach, the world is freed from the chains of destiny. On this night the technology of the Seder, including the reading of the Haggadah, eating matzah, and participating in certain spiritual meditations and songs, allows us to access cosmic assistance that can change and replace our movie for a better one without having to become righteous human beings. Pesach frees our minds from limited thinking, and breaks through the walls we have built, allowing us to connect to the Light and to others.
“Pesach frees our minds from limited thinking.”
Below are some staff picked lectures and articles we hope will inspire you and help you get ready for this powerful holiday.
The Truth Behind Pesach by Rav Berg
To Be Truly Free by Karen Berg
All Negativity Must Let Go of Us by Michael Berg
“Let My Ego Go!” by Monica Berg
Pesach 2023: What do you want in Pesach? with Michael Berg
Pesach 2023: Freedom is Having No Addictions with Monica Berg
Pesach 2019: Freedom from Within with Karen Berg
The Seder with Karen and Michael Berg
Pesach: Freedom from Uncertainty with Rav Berg
Pesach: The Technology of Freedom – On-demand course with lessons by Elisheva Balas, Mordechay Balas, Chagai Shouster and Eliyahu Yardeni
Zohar Class with Eitan Yardeni: Pesach – True Freedom and the Seder
Zohar Class with Eliyahu Yardeni: Pesach
Pesach for Kids: Searching for Chametz with Yehudit Halfon