What Does it Mean to Be Spiritual? 3 Indications of a Spiritual Life
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What Does it Mean to Be Spiritual? 3 Indications of a Spiritual Life

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
July 15, 2024
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Spirituality is a broad term that can mean many different things to different people. Some consider it an integral part of religious observation, while others view it as a connection with a higher power without the need to adhere to an organized religion. For some, it is about finding inner peace, meaning, or balance. It can refer to a personal journey or a collective one.

With so many different interpretations of spirituality, how can we know we are on a spiritual path and measure our spiritual growth? Thankfully, the wisdom of Kabbalah provides some useful guidelines and tools for living a spiritual life, as well as how we can gauge our spiritual development.

Here are 3 indications of a spiritual life:

1. You consistently strive to be more kind and sharing.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that the original purpose of religion was to help humanity learn how the energy of the Creator works so that we can connect to it and bring more blessings, joy, and fulfillment into our lives. The one thing we know about the Creator is that it is an energy of kindness and goodness that desires to manifest goodness for every single person. The only way that we can partake and receive of that goodness is by being like the Creator. In other words, the more we become kind and sharing like the Creator, the more blessings we are able to receive.

A spiritual life is less about following religious rules and more about actions of kindness that allow us to develop, grow, and change in positive ways. Whatever your spiritual practice is, whether it’s following the religious texts, meditating, or even creating art, make sure it is providing you with ways to grow, change, and share. Ask yourself, “How am I exhibiting kindness and sharing each day?”

2. You are always evolving, transforming yourself in positive ways.

Spirituality is not just a nice practice for stress relief – it’s meant to be a path that allows us to become better versions of ourselves. The clearest indication you are on a thriving spiritual path is if you are noticeably growing and changing in positive ways. Your life is meant to continue to improve through your spiritual transformation.

How are you changing and growing? Are you treating people better today than you did yesterday? Are you more giving, sharing, and kind? Is your life more fulfilling this year than last year? If you aren’t able to see the change, it’s an indication that you may need to realign your focus. Not only should you see improvements in yourself, but also improvements in your experience of life.

3. When performing a spiritual action, you do so not robotically but with a conscious awareness of its profound significance.

Most religions provide a set of rules, rituals, or practices to follow, whether it’s going to church each week, fasting during Ramadan, or lighting the candles at Chanukah. Many people believe that simply following the practices of their religion is enough to transform their life. The truth is that any religious activity requires proper spiritual consciousness to be effective.

There is a power to religious rituals, practices, and precepts, but only within their spiritual context. Consider why you are partaking in these practices. How do they better you as a person? Are they helping you grow and change? Do they allow you to be more in line and in tune with the energy of creation?

Religious practices can be powerful spiritual tools, but their purpose is not to make the Creator happy by checking off a list or to follow in our parents’ footsteps because of tradition. Rather, these actions can help us grow and change when done with consciousness, context, and spiritual awareness.

It’s a growing trend, especially among young Americans, that more and more people are starting to consider themselves spiritual instead of religious. It’s important to understand what that term really means and how we can make the most of a spiritual journey. A spiritual life is one devoted to kindness, sharing, and personal transformation. It’s not about following practices out of habit or tradition but understanding why we are doing what we are doing and how it can help us to live better lives. When you use these tools together with the right spiritual framework, you will start to see positive transformation in yourself and your life.

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