Do you believe that you have a soul? If so, what does a soul mean to you? The ancient wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that the soul is a spark of the Creator, a powerful force of love and creation. That means that we each have limitless potential for greatness within us.
Even if we understand that we have untapped potential, most of us don’t realize just how unlimited that power is. It can be challenging to embrace and utilize our innate power due to false beliefs that hold us back. By recognizing and addressing these myths, we can start to shift our perspective and work towards realizing our highest potential.
Here are 4 beliefs that limit your greatness:
1. Not believing in your potential.
It can feel uncomfortable to embrace our greatness when we aren’t certain that it already exists within us. Every one of us is in contact with the Creator at every moment - the difference is some people know it, and some people don’t. Knowing that we are connected to the Light of the Creator allows us to tap into it, use it, reveal it, and live a life of greatness.
The first step in accepting your greatness is believing in the power you have. We wake up many mornings and doubt who we are and the power that we have. Each day when you wake, let your first thought be, “I have tremendous power within me. What am I going to do with it today?” Live with the knowledge that you are great. You have a soul within you, which means tremendous power.
2. Thinking your mistakes define you.
People often get held back by the mistakes they’ve made. We sometimes think our errors define us and that no matter what goodness we do later, we can never erase the past. These thoughts mislead us into thinking that we are somehow damaged and have missed our chance at greatness.
In reality, we all have a divine power within us, and there is nothing we can do to ever change that. Your greatness is like a lightbulb that shines brightly. You can cover it with shades and veils until you can no longer see the light, but the bulb itself never dims. You were born with an innate power to be great, and there is no mistake you can make that will damage that power. Your job is to remove those layers that keep you from seeing how brightly your soul shines.
3. Worrying about what others think and say about you.
To tap into your greatness, we must remove the noise and negative thoughts that stand in our way. Many of our thoughts are based on the external: What do they think of me? Am I good enough? What will they say if I fail? This line of thinking only holds us back from expressing the truest and most powerful parts of ourselves.
The less we focus on what others think and say about us and the more time we spend on living authentically, the more we reveal the power of our souls. You have an incredible power within you, and there will always be critics who feel threatened, jealous, or confused by that power. Being authentic means pushing aside what people say or think of you and instead showing up as your true self, not afraid to say what you believe or to make mistakes.
4. Believing achievements and accolades equate to greatness.
People often misunderstand greatness to mean someone has reached a certain status, achieved a certain goal, or been recognized for a notable accomplishment. This belief can lead to two different outcomes: either we reach a milestone and mistakenly believe we’ve achieved greatness, or we look at our lives and think the only way for us to ever become great is to accomplish an incredible feat.
Success is not equal to greatness. Living a life of greatness is about having a deep positive impact, even if that only touches one person. It’s not about writing the next great American novel or winning a Nobel Peace Prize. Greatness is living a life where you are living in alignment with your soul and integrity. Ask yourself, “How deep is my positive impact on the people who I am closest to?”
Living a life of greatness takes courage, strength, honesty, kindness, and a desire to grow. It’s all the things we learn about in kindergarten and then seem to forget as we grow up. Trust that you have an incredible power within you that flows from your soul. Nothing you do and nothing anyone else says or thinks about you can ever diminish that force. Revealing the truest and most authentic parts of yourself is the gateway to achieving true greatness.