What Legacy Will You Leave Behind? 3 Ways to Leave a Lasting Imprint
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What Legacy Will You Leave Behind? 3 Ways to Leave a Lasting Imprint

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
July 17, 2023
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Imagine you are immortal. What would you do differently? How would you think about your life or yourself differently?

For many people, the finality of death is what inspires us to live with urgency. Death is a necessary part of our lives. It is meant to be a driver that motivates us to create a meaningful life. What many of us don’t think about, however, is that our words, thoughts, actions, and creations have the potential to render us immortal. We can live on long after we have left this physical world.

Here are 3 ways you can leave a lasting imprint on the world:

1. Your words and actions can continue to influence others. 
The great philosophers and writers of the past, like Plato and Shakespeare, continue to live on because we still experience their thoughts and creations to this day, hundreds of years after they died. But you don’t need to be Socrates or Emily Dickinson to leave a lasting mark on the world. Through our words and actions, we leave remnants of ourselves to our children, our friends, and everyone we touch.

When we think about death, we tend to focus on what is going to happen to us when we die instead of what is happening to the world as we live. We don’t often think about what we are creating that is everlasting. We can share wisdom, knowledge, and love that inspires those around us and is passed down for generations to come. 

Think about how you are influencing the world each day through your words and actions and what kind of ripple effect you are leaving behind.

2. When you show love to someone, you create lasting energy that never existed before. 
The Zohar teaches that we all pass from this world, but the light we bring into it never leaves. No energy ever dissipates. This makes it so important for us to spend our time and energy on things that are positive. 

You don’t have to be an inventor to create something that has never existed before. Every time you show love to someone, you are creating love that never existed before. The love we share with others stays within them and is given over to their friends and families.

3. The way we live our lives can inspire those around us. 
We continue to live on, not just through our words and actions, but in how we live our lives. We lead by example. For instance, telling our children that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to is much more impactful when they see us living a happy life and reaching for our own dreams. 

People close to us see how we live, and that has the power to influence and inspire them, even after we are long gone. Ask yourself, “When people look at how I live my life, is it inspiring, immortal positivity?” If the answer is no, it’s time to make some meaningful changes in your life that can positively impact those around you.

We all have the ability to make a lasting imprint on the world. The limits we perceive in our lives are not real - they only exist if we believe them into being. View yourself as limitless and that what you are doing can be immortal. Focus your words and actions on ones of positivity and love, and lead by example. That is how we attain true immortality. 
