Why Do We Fail? 3 Reasons Failure is Key to Your Spiritual Growth
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Why Do We Fail? 3 Reasons Failure is Key to Your Spiritual Growth

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
September 6, 2021
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When we think about success, we often picture it as a straight line from Point A to Point B. And if something goes wrong, it’s an unfortunate setback or redirection that should not have happened.

In truth, failure is a powerful and necessary part of our spiritual journey. The universe was not designed to be a non-failure system. Our mistakes provide incredible opportunities for us to learn, grow, and reach new heights. Failure is not a bug in the system, it IS the system!

Here are 3 reasons that failure is a vital part of our spiritual growth:

1. Failure can fuel your future success. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that there are sparks of Light hidden in the darkest of places. Our purpose in life is to reveal that hidden Light, and the only way we can do so is by failing. If we were to live an elevated life all of the time, we would never access the dark places where those sparks of Light exist.

Not only can we reveal this Light when we fail, we can actually use that energy to fuel our future success in ways we could never have imagined. By failing, we come closer to the sparks of Light that can propel us towards our next blessing. The next time you fail, know that you are gaining access to powerful energy that you need for tomorrow’s success.

2. If you aren’t failing, you aren’t growing. The times when we fail are actually the most powerful moments in our lives, when our soul is the happiest. That might sound counterintuitive, but if you look back on your life, often you will see that your greatest mistakes inspired the biggest changes. That kind of growth is exactly what our souls crave.

Failure is a navigation system that shows us where we need to focus our attention. It shows us that there is even more work to do than we thought. Every failure contains a necessary lesson that our soul needs to learn. You can never fully understand or accomplish anything unless you first have failed at it.

Embrace every failure as a necessary lesson. If you aren’t failing, you aren’t learning or growing.

3. Failures do not make YOU a failure – they make you even better! The problem with failure is not the mistake, but what happens if we don’t learn from it and let it consume us.

A lot of people give up on themselves when they fail and start to let their mistakes define them. Even if they do learn from their mistakes, they may start to view themselves as a failure. It takes an incredible amount of humility to learn from our mistakes without feeling like we area mistake. If we give up, we miss the whole point of failure.

Failure is not an indication of who we are. There is never negativity in failing, only when we beat ourselves up for it. Know with certainty that even a split second after making the biggest mistake of your life, you can become the most spiritual, elevated being. Failures make us better, stronger, wiser people if we choose to learn from them.

Failure is a necessary, beautiful, powerful part of our spiritual work. It is not something to be disappointed about but can actually become the most exciting part of our lives! Pay attention to your failures, learn from them, but don’t let them define you. Use the energy of your mistakes to drive you forward to success.
