Pesach Cleaning Party: Preparing the Vessel
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11:00 AM

Pesach Cleaning Party: Preparing the Vessel


On Pesach, we strive to remove chaos and negativity from our lives for the year to come. In order to arrive at Pesach fully prepared to receive the energy available, we engage in specific spiritual work, including a thorough cleaning of our work and living spaces. As Rav Berg used to say, physical cleaning is a tool to activate a spiritual process of scrubbing out our inner selfish desires. While cleaning, we meditate on seeking out crumbs of negativity in the crevices of our soul, creating a space for the Light of the Creator to live and flow through us. We invite you to take part in the cleaning process of the Centre in preparation for Pesach. Join your fellow volunteers and community for a day of cleaning and tons of fun!


Note: All times are in the following time zone: Europe/Berlin.

  • Sunday, April 06, 2025, 11:00 AM – 02:00 PM CEST
  • Sunday, April 06, 2025, 02:00 PM – 05:00 PM CEST

Times of Elevations Volume 2

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Prepare for Pesach

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Date(s): Sunday, April 06, 2025


Location: Berlin

Address: Hauptstraße 27, Aufgang E, 3. OG, Berlin 10827, Germany

Sessions: 2

Price: EUR 0.00

Instructor(s): David Naor, David Wende, Deborah Naor, Rachel Wende

Language: German