09:00 AM
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
Live Your Best Year: Creating A Better World Through A Better You is a three-part webinar series designed to help you manifest a better life, a better world, and your best possible year. Learn how to integrate kabbalistic concepts, meditations, and tools as you redefine the impact of your past, find inspiration in every moment, and envision your imprint on the future.
Note: All times are in the following time zone: America/Mexico_City.
Date(s): Tuesday, December 01, 2020 – Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
Hosted by: Aprendizaje Virtual en Español
This is a virtual Live Learning class. Upon registration, you will receive an email with instructions on how to connect online. We encourage early registration to allow time to receive this email and download the necessary software to join the class.
Sessions: 20
Price: MXN 0.00
Instructor(s): David Heiblum, David Itic, David Varela, Esther Naor, Haggai Fridman, Rachel Itic, Rivki Kutnovsky, Sarah Varela, Yigal Kutnovsky
Language: Spanish