Astrology: Anatomy of the Soul
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Connecting with Our Inner Purpose
An Astrology Seminar

Astrology: Anatomy of the Soul

Published: March 15, 2019
Originally recorded: January 13, 2019

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Lesson Highlights

  • Seeing and understanding the signs of the universe that support our evolution
  • There is power in the moment, there is power in the process
  • The goal of humanity is to achieve inner balance
  • Our spiritual work includes learning about our past lives, so we can correct and avoid repeating the same mistakes
  • The four foundations of the Soul are water, air, earth, and fire
  • The name of Adam comes from the word Adama which means earth
  • Humanity comes from Adam, so we are all made of the four elements
  • Understanding which imbalance in our elements is affecting our behavior
  • Expressing our feelings by breathing, pausing, and acknowledging them to heal our emotions
  • Overcoming gravity means fighting procrastination

Lesson Description

In this lesson we learn how each zodiac sign is related and connected to the elements of nature, and how to benefit from their influence in our process of transformation. Yael Yardeni reminds us of the importance of maintaining an optimistic and positive attitude even in the midst of challenges, as it is our behavior what really affects our reality.

About This Course

Kabbalistic astrology guides us to maximize our potential by helping us transform the aspects of our personality that get in the way of achieving complete fulfillment and lasting blessings therefore positively affecting the entire world. In this course, we explore how the zodiac signs are interconnected with the elements and how to benefit from each aspect of our inner nature. In addition, we learn 2019's most important astrological highlights moving us towards a much needed transformation for all of humanity.

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