August 1, 2023
Originally recorded:
September 2, 2022
CLICK HERE to view dates for the 30 Days of Virgo for this year.
For the next 3 days, we will focus on relationships!
There is a kabbalistic principle that every situation in life has an external and an internal aspect, and they are rarely, if ever, the same. The same is true in relationships.
The external aspect of our relationships are usually the things we are attracted to. It is the things that are rooted in our five senses: smell, touch, how the person makes us feel, attraction. All of these things are important but because they are rooted in the physical world they will come and go. They will change.
When we can connect to another person’s internal aspect, our connection with them will continue regardless of physical hardships or obstacles. That is because you are able to see the soul aspect of that person. In order to do that you must first be able to see your own.
This requires a lot of work and continual attention but it is a step that cannot be overlooked. You must learn to love yourself, you must learn to value who you are, you must be comfortable with yourself, you must be tapped into your own intuition and if you aren’t it’s clear where the work needs to start.
Relationships can be our greatest source of joy and fulfillment, yet they can also be frustrating, anxiety-inducing, and energy-draining.
Most of us acknowledge that the quality of our relationships has a profound impact on our lives, yet we often overlook the longest and most important relationship we will ever have—the one we have with ourselves. Unfortunately, a lot of us don’t love ourselves the way we should. Every person is worthy of love. People often feel frustrated, lost, or misunderstood in their relationships because they’ve never found themselves in the first place.
How do we begin to be true to ourselves?
It starts with listening to what’s going on inside your brain and your body. According to Kabbalah, desire is the most important gift we receive in this life. It is through examining both what we want and, more importantly, why we want it that we gain the most insight.
Today, let’s begin with ourselves. Here are a few questions to answer in your Life Audit assessment to become more aware of your approach to relationships:
Tomorrow, we’ll use these insights to assess the health of our most important relationships and determine how to improve the ones that aren’t fulfilling.
One of the great gifts in studying Kabbalah is that we become more aware of the energies around us. Each day, week, and month has its own unique energy with differing powers that inform us. This month of Virgo is one of the most consequential months of the year, full of the energy of deep transformation. Over the next 30 days, we will assess, evaluate, and rethink 10 of the most important areas of your life. First, we will look at what is working and what isn’t working. I will help you identify your desire – the thing that you really want for that area of your life–not the thing you only think you want, or think you should want, or what others think you should want. From there, you will make your plan. You’ll make it actionable, doable, and motivating. I’m so excited and grateful that you are all joining me on this journey to rethink, reframe, recalibrate, and re-energize your life.