Health or Disease, the Choice is Ours
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Internal Organization

Health or Disease, the Choice is Ours

Published: October 12, 2020
Originally recorded: July 21, 2020

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Lesson Highlights

  • Our thoughts and beliefs affect our biology
  • Stress damages our physical body
  • True happiness ensures protection, healing, and connection to the Light
  • Working on really appreciating all we have
  • Gratitude and appreciation draw the energy of wholeness and wellbeing into our entire body
  • We all have the power to heal ourselves and have a better life

Lesson Description

Our physical body is the chariot of our Soul’s evolution; therefore, the kabbalists explain that it is imperative to understand that our thoughts affect our overall wellbeing. 

In this lesson, we have the opportunity to receive important and valuable messages about the power of consciousness, from our teacher Rav Berg. 

About This Course

While traditional health paradigms focus on treating the physical symptoms of a disease, the wisdom of Kabbalah reveals that healing starts on a spiritual level. The Zohar and a variety of other kabbalistic writings illuminate the connection between consciousness and the physical body. This course will map out the link between body and soul, down to the unique influence each of our organs has on our experience in life. Students will explore the heart and blood, the lungs, the brain, and the kidneys, bladder, and liver as they uncover the reactive behaviors and patterns related to these physical aspects. Learn how to identify and use messages from your body as you work through your individual spiritual tikun (correction), and deep transformation on a mind, body, and soul level.

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