Astrology Forecast for April 12-18, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for April 12-18, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Abril 12, 2015
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Hi Everyone! I hope all you guys had a fantastic and elevated (if not a bit challenging!) week of Pesach. Hopefully, with our great collective consciousness we managed to get rid of the edgy cosmic energies.

Right now, we are at the start of a brand new energy cycle destined to help us rebuild a strong desire. In Aramaic it is called the Omer. Let’s examine this week’s chart and once again receive an amazing confirmation of the great order that exists in the universe.

We are, indeed, at the tail end of the fiery month of Aries. This week, the planetary alignment is as follows: the moon is ending its cycle in Aries before entering the new month of Taurus, but quite a few planets are in Taurus already, and Mercury and Mars are both conjunct in that sign. The chart opens up with a Scorpio rising to give us some spunk this week—our lovely friends the Scorpios are always ready to surprise us!

The energy combination of this week is quite interesting—a mixture of very martial energies with very peacemaking Taurus.

What is our lesson here?

First off, we need to realize one simple fact: we take so many things pretty hard in our lives. Sometimes we become angry and cactus-like over very small things, like a package that is delayed, a red light that takes forever to turn green, a slow driver, waiting at the supermarket, bumping into things along the way, etc. This is the martial energy!

When we get upset, we are allowing our opponent to control us all because of very insignificant things. Will it change my life to wait one or two minutes at the store? Of course not! Actually, who knows—it might even save it!

The good news is this week we are downloading a better program that will help us become a lot calmer and much more "philosophical" about all the small annoyances of daily life. And boy do we need that help!

Kabbalah teaches us that all the small and infuriating delays of our lives are designed to cleanse us of negative thoughts and behaviors. So, we are truly the winners in these annoying situations!

Secondly, this week Venus, our social and loving planet, is situated in Gemini and in the 8th house of Scorpio and transformation. Kabbalists teach us a few very interesting facts about the sign of Gemini. Gemini is the air of the air signs—that is, air to the second power! Its ruler is planet Mercury (the fastest orbit around the Sun) and according to tradition they are the world's champions of conveying information. Unfortunately, that sometimes includes gossips and rumors!

This week we are faced with an interesting choice: choose to remain a Grinch (the evil twin of Gemini) and complain about everything, or choose to embrace patience and let go so that we might speak words of wisdom (a strong Taurus energy of patience and kindness).

Clearly, the path of least resistance is to look for excuses and blame everyone else. It’s our free will to go either way!

This week we are shown how easy it is to lose control of our words, even with good intentions, and how difficult it is to take back what we’ve said. The kabbalists have a beautiful metaphor for this; they say we literally need to "circumcise our hearts" from our selfishness and inner Grinch!

When we look closely, we find that the real issue is that we fail to see the bigger picture. We are quick to judge, quick to assume, and quick to jump to conclusions (Aries and more Aries), which is more comfortable for us than digging below the surface to try and understand why people act in certain ways. This week, we owe it to ourselves to inquire more deeply. Don’t believe everything you see.

We learn from our teacher, Karen Berg, to always ask a million questions about every event we witness in our lives: why, when, how? Even when we think we understand!

Geminis and Scorpios are the best detectives of the zodiac and we need to make wise use of this available energy. Only when we open ourselves up to finding the truth, does the Light send us the right answer. The amazing lesson from the great kabbalists is to never judge, but try to understand everything.

This week we receive a great cosmic lesson in patience, tolerance, and wisdom. When our buttons are pushed, we need to remember that the spiritual remedy is already available for us in the cosmos!

Have a great week everyone! To be continued…


